
Campeonato Presencial de Xadrez HomeWorkS - I Edição

2 • Naum_Castro •
  1. R1: Ulysses x Naum
  2. R1: Luquinha x Israel
  3. R1: Pablo x Léo
  4. R1: Alessandro x André
  1. Xantipo2
  2. Naum_Castro

30 days thinking

1 • Naum_Castro •
  1. GAME 1 - Playing against Abdusattorov's preparation?
  2. GAME 2 - Another London
  3. GAME 3 - Sacrifices, the most beautiful way to force resignation
  4. GAME 4 - Push h4, I'll push h4
  1. Franciscarlos
  2. Xantipo2
  3. Naum_Castro