
Is it winning? (warmup) 8/12/23

6 • NatWill •
  1. Queen
  2. What should we have played in this position
  1. NatWill

strange opp B endgame analysis

1 • NatWill •
  1. Artemiev, Vladislav - Huschenbeth, Niclas
  2. Artemiev, Vladislav - Huschenbeth, Niclas
  1. NatWill

NatWill's Study

1 • NatWill •
  1. winning idea
  1. NatWill

K endgame class analysis

1 • NatWill •
  1. Interesting knight endgame
  2. Knight in the corner
  3. Knight in the corner
  1. GM jhellsten
  2. NatWill

Coach Johan - Colonial r4

1 • NatWill •
  1. Will Moorhouse - Thomas Lane
  1. GM jhellsten
  2. NatWill

NatWill's Study

1 • NatWill •
  1. Kavutskiy, Kostya - Caruana, Fabiano
  2. NatWill

GCF Serious Annotation

1 • NatWill •
  1. ImprobablePuffins - takos31
  1. NatWill
  2. SKECoachLuke