
French: Advance Variation, Main Line: Ideas for Black

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MrMcGiggles
  2. MeganFountain
  3. TommyW_18
  4. Mattugus

MisterPerkins's Study

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MisterPerkins

Game study

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. brendune (1889) - MisterPerkins (1901)
  1. MisterPerkins

Sicillian Game Good (5+3 Blitz)

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Grayvoron (1835) - MisterPerkins (1858)
  1. MisterPerkins

MisterPerkins's Study

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MisterPerkins

QGD :/

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Slav Defense (3. Nf3 Bg4)
  1. MrMcGiggles
  2. MeganFountain
  3. TommyW_18
  4. Mattugus

MisterPerkins's Study

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MisterPerkins

The Smith Morra Gambit: Finegold Defense and Ideas for Black

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MisterPerkins
  2. MrMcGiggles

Benet Game...

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. TommyW_18
  2. MisterPerkins
  3. MrMcGiggles

Sicillian: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack (Exchange Variation): Ideas for Black

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. MeganFountain
  2. MisterPerkins
  3. Mattugus

Good Sveshnikov Sicillian Game (3+0 Blitz)

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. exel2022 (1775) - MisterPerkins (1765)
  1. MisterPerkins
  2. MrMcGiggles

My Albin Countergambit Prep >:)

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. MeganFountain
  2. MisterPerkins
  3. MrMcGiggles
  4. Mattugus

Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack: Ideas for Black

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. MrMcGiggles
  2. MeganFountain
  3. TommyW_18
  4. Mattugus

Good Slav Game (3+0 Blitz)

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Strgwyrr (1705) - MisterPerkins (1726)
  1. MisterPerkins

Slav Defense: Ideas for white

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Slav Defense: Ideas for white
  2. Chapter 2
  1. MrMcGiggles
  2. MeganFountain
  3. TommyW_18
  4. Mattugus

Sveshnikov Prep :) (with Nb5 and a6)

1 • MisterPerkins •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  1. MrMcGiggles
  2. MeganFountain
  3. TommyW_18
  4. Mattugus