
Beginner Games RSM

1 • M-it •
  1. Adam vs Nicole (4/17/23)
  2. Nicole vs Coach Emmett (4/24/23)
  3. Thompson vs Adam (4/24/23)
  4. Hakan vs Sammy (11/13/23)
  1. M-it

Beginner Section RSM Part 2

1 • M-it •
  1. Pawn Promotion Take the Rook & Mate (Easy)
  2. Rook vs 2 Advanced Pawn (Easy/Medium)
  3. Control the Promotion Square (Medium)
  4. Underpromote to a rook (Medium)
  1. M-it

Caro Kann Advance Variation

1 • M-it •
  1. Short Variation
  2. 5...c5
  3. 5...Nd7
  4. 5...Ne7
  1. M-it

Endgame Studies

1 • M-it •
  1. Rook & Pawn vs Rook
  2. Rook & Pawn Endgame
  1. M-it

Intermediate Section Games RSM

1 • M-it •
  1. Owen Sung vs Nicholas Weaver (3/6/23)
  1. M-it
  2. gimme-bishy

Intermediate Section RSM

1 • M-it •
  1. Queen+King vs King Endgame
  2. Rook+King vs King Endgame
  3. Rook+King vs King Scenario 2
  4. Alexander Alekhine vs Oscar Tenner (1911)
  1. M-it

My Rated Games 2018-2020

1 • M-it •
  1. Xing Jian 1 vs Emmett 0 NIH 5/8/19
  2. Emmett 1 vs Leif Kazou Karell 0 NIH 3/27/19
  3. Emmett 0 vs Donovan 1 ACC 8/24/18
  4. Emmett 0 vs Xing Jian 1 8/8/18
  1. M-it

Pawn Endgames

1 • M-it •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Common Pawn Structure #1
  3. Breaking up the pawns
  1. M-it

Ruy Lopez Breyer Game

2 • M-it •
  1. SmurfRealHard - M-it
  1. M-it
  2. SmurfRealHard

Tricks and Traps

1 • M-it •
  1. Union Square Park Game Stalemate
  2. Noah's Ark Trap
  3. Alapin Siclian Trap
  4. Legal Trap
  1. M-it