
WIN met 1.f4! - De Bird Opening

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introductie
  2. De Normale Setup
  3. Deel 1: Nederlandse Variant: 1...d5
  4. Nederlandse Variant: 2...c5 Verpletterende aanval!
  1. Bosburp
  2. Jisu101

Crush the Caro-Kann! White Repertoire

173 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Repertoire 1: "Open"
  3. Section 1: 4...Bf5
  4. Section 2: 4...Nc6
  1. Jisu101

CRUSH the Modern Defense with this RARE move!

46 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: 2... Bg7
  3. Black blocks our pawn - 3... h5
  4. Black gets out his other bishop - 3... d6
  1. Jisu101

CRUSH the Nimzowitsch Defense with this RARE move!

94 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: 2...e5
  3. Mainlines - Black tries to play Ng6 on the next move
  4. Mainlines - Black develops
  1. ST123_stsoham_Chess
  2. Bosburp
  3. Jisu101

First Playstrategy Cup

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Round 1
  1. Jisu101

CRUSH Black (psychologically!) with this RARE opening!

352 • Jisu101 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Black plays like he's white (2... Nf6, 3... Bc5)
  3. 4... Bb6 (a whole diversity of lines!)
  4. 4... Bd4 (an almost forced line!)
  1. Jisu101
  2. Sooin_Cho
  3. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  4. Bosburp

Schaakles beginners Deel I

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Opening (MORA)
  2. Rokade aan verschillende kanten
  3. Middenspel (Centrum ondermijnen)
  4. Open lijnen (Zwakke pionnen)
  1. Jisu101

Activate the bishop

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Jisu101

Puzzle selection by Jisu101: the best puzzles part 1

2 • Jisu101 •
  1. Intro
  2. Puzzle 1
  3. Puzzle 2
  4. Puzzle 3
  1. Jisu101

Just a random weird tournament against myself

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. P1 vs P2 game 1
  2. P1 vs P2 game 2
  3. P3 vs P4 game 1
  4. P3 vs P4 game 2
  1. Jisu101

Brilliant studies: Selection by Jisu101

4 • Jisu101 •
  1. By Elkies
  2. Mate in 271 by Petrovich
  3. By Joitsa
  4. By Prokeš
  1. Jisu101

How do I play the Caro Kann? By Jisu101

3 • Jisu101 •
  1. The opening itself
  2. Part 1: Most popular line: d4
  3. Exchange variation: What if they take?
  4. Advance variation: What if they push?
  1. Jisu101

Cuber vs Jisu: Match 3

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Jisu101 (1463) - RubiksCuber23 (1843)
  2. RubiksCuber23 (1843) - Jisu101 (1463)
  3. Jisu101 (1463) - RubiksCuber23 (1843)
  4. RubiksCuber23 (1843) - Jisu101 (1463)
  1. Jisu101

Jisu101's Study

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Jisu101

Just a tournament

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Jisu101 - Stuiterke
  2. fluiterke - Jisu101
  1. Jisu101

Some homemade puzzles

1 • Jisu101 •
  1. Zugzwang
  2. Interference
  3. Zugzwang
  4. Zugzwang (mate in 4) + Quiet move
  1. Jisu101