
"The Budapest Gambit is a sound opening and can be played at the highest level."

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Chapter 5 - Reti (4...h5!) - Game 25 (Euwe vs. Spielmann)
  2. Chapter 5 - Reti (4...h5!) - Game 26 (Weenink vs. Reti)
  3. Chapter 5 - Reti (4...h5!) - Game 27 (Fine vs. Morton)
  4. Chapter 5 - Reti (4...h5!) - Game 28 (Lago vs. Ignacio)
  1. FusianDew

2 Knights Tango (Mexican Defense, 2 Knights Defense)

1 • FusianDew •
  1. d5? Time to Dance! (f4)
  2. d5? Time to Dance! (fe4)
  3. Nc3? Let's make this game cwazy!!
  4. Nc3? Let's make this game cwazy!! (2) - dxe5
  1. FusianDew

Accelerated Dragon Works

1 • FusianDew •
  1. The Point: To stop Queen Side Castling
  2. Maroxy Bind
  3. Early Bishop c4
  4. c3 sicilian
  1. FusianDew

Ahdiban vs. The Pirc

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Ideas
  1. FusianDew

Budapest - Rare Deviations to Alekhine

1 • FusianDew •
  1. J.R.Capablanca - S.Tartakower - 1928
  1. FusianDew

Budapest - The Alekhine Attack [4) e4]

1 • FusianDew •
  1. R.Spielmann - R.Reti - 1919
  2. A.Alekhine - M.Euwe - 1921
  3. A.Alekhine - I. Rabinovich - 1925
  4. A.Alekhine - J.Seitz - 1925/26
  1. FusianDew


1 • FusianDew •
  1. Early e5 on move 2
  2. Early Queen Line - (1)
  3. Early Queen Line - (2)
  4. Against the Meek Meister
  1. Meek_cd
  2. FusianDew

Calculation - HU Repertoire

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Calculation - 1
  2. Calculation - 2
  3. Calculation - 3
  4. Calculation - 4
  1. Meek_cd
  2. FusianDew

Domination with the Slav - Chameleon Variation <3

3 • FusianDew •
  1. Important Sideline - a4
  2. Important Sideline - Ne5
  3. Preparation in Slav vs. Catalan
  4. Main Line Slav (c5)
  1. FusianDew

Examples in Sacrifices and Clearances

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Positional Sacrifice
  2. Greenland Gambit, positional sacrifice
  3. Tactical Sacrifice 2
  4. Tactical Sacrifice 3
  1. Meek_cd
  2. FusianDew

Famous London System Games

3 • FusianDew •
  1. James Mason vs. Alexander Wittek (1882)
  2. Joseph Blackburne vs. Max Harmonist (1889)
  3. Jose Raul Casablanca vs. Otto Tipal (1911)
  4. Alexander Alekhine vs. Max Euwe (1922)
  1. Meek_cd
  2. FusianDew
  3. sankofadiego

FusianDew's Study

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. FusianDew

FusianDew's Study

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. FusianDew

Griot Academy - Piece Movement (1st/2nd)

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Preface
  2. Chapter 1 - The Bishop
  3. Example 1.1
  4. Example 1.2
  1. FusianDew

Grunfeld Bby

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Classical Variation
  2. Grunfeld - Bf4
  3. Grunfeld - Bf4 #2
  4. Grunfeld - Bf4 #3
  1. FusianDew

HU Chess - Tactics

1 • FusianDew •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. FusianDew