
Game study

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. keeto - Foxtroxx
  1. Foxtroxx

Game study

2 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Foxtroxx - matrimbloodycauthon
  1. Foxtroxx

Endgame Studies - Solutions

3 • Foxtroxx •
  1. CEP#1 - Solution
  2. CEP#2 - Solution
  1. Foxtroxx

Game study

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. monocolo - Foxtroxx
  2. Foxtroxx - Choriarranz
  3. ponytailmathguy - Foxtroxx
  4. Foxtroxx - MichaelCCCCC
  1. monocolo
  2. Foxtroxx

Game study

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Foxtroxx - espnjosh
  1. Foxtroxx

15 best chess games ever played (annotated)

6 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Georg Rotlewi - Akiba Rubinstein
  2. Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer
  3. Mikhail Tal - Bent Larsen
  4. Aron Nimzowitsch - Siegbert Tarrasch
  1. Foxtroxx

Capablanca's best games

3 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Alexander Alekhine - Jose Raul Capablanca
  2. Ossip Bernstein - Jose Raul Capablanca
  3. Jose Antonio Blanco - Jose Raul Capablanca
  4. Jose Raul Capablanca - Leonard B Meyer
  1. Foxtroxx

Foxtroxx's Study

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Foxtroxx - Lahta
  2. Foxtroxx - elsarraceno
  1. Foxtroxx

Games to analyse

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. ijebu_man - Foxtroxx
  2. Foxtroxx - krasnaya
  3. maciek1959 - Foxtroxx
  4. rojarajakumaran - Foxtroxx
  1. Foxtroxx

Bobby Fisher's best games

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Robert James Fischer - Bent Larsen
  2. Robert James Fischer - Lhamsuren Myagmarsuren
  3. Robert James Fischer - Samuel Reshevsky
  4. Robert James Fischer - Boris Spassky
  1. Foxtroxx

Russians GMs annotate games

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Sakaev, Konstantin - Ulibin, Mikhail
  2. Rossi, C - Sakaev, Konstantin
  3. Sakaev, Konstantin - Mrva
  4. Short, Nigel - Svidler, Peter
  1. Foxtroxx

Fisher's annotated games

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer
  2. Robert James Fischer - Julio Bolbochan
  3. Wolfgang Unzicker - Robert James Fischer
  4. Robert Eugene Byrne - Robert James Fischer
  1. Foxtroxx

Kramnik's best games (annotated)

4 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Kramnik, Vladimir - Tiviakov, Sergei
  2. Ibragimov, Ildar - Kramnik, Vladimir
  3. Neverov, Valeriy - Kramnik, Vladimir
  4. Polgar, S. - Kramnik, V.
  1. Foxtroxx

Karpov's best games

4 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Anatoly Karpov - Iossif Davidovich Dorfman
  2. Anatoly Karpov - Robert Huebner
  3. Anatoly Karpov - Robert Huebner
  4. Anatoly Karpov - Garry Kasparov
  1. Foxtroxx

Game to analyse

1 • Foxtroxx •
  1. rojarajakumaran - Foxtroxx
  2. che-moi - Foxtroxx
  3. Foxtroxx - chessgibbon
  4. Foxtroxx - chessgibbon
  1. Foxtroxx

Alekhine's best games

6 • Foxtroxx •
  1. Alexander Alekhine - Akiba Rubinstein
  2. Abraham Speijer - Alexander Alekhine
  3. Alexander Alekhine - Akiba Rubinstein
  4. Sergey Nikolaevich von Freymann - Alexander Alekhine
  1. Foxtroxx