
Chess opening for white,explaned

1 • Florentino1402 •
  1. Symmetry,but white is on the move and attacking
  2. Frech:preparing...d5
  3. The assymetrical challenge in the center
  4. Scandinavian: cutting the Gordian knot
  1. CTT_LamKhai_2015
  2. Florentino1402

Run pawn,run

1 • Florentino1402 •
  1. Easy1 100-1000
  2. Easy2 100-1000
  3. Easy3 100-1000
  4. Medium1 1001-1800
  1. WhyDoIPlayHere
  2. marmotbiscuits
  3. Florentino1402


1 • Florentino1402 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Don't be fooled1
  1. Florentino1402