[Event "Rated King of the Hill game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/rrylJPfO"]
[Date "2024.10.02"]
[White "mehrad_niyazadeh"]
[Black "vijaybabug"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "rrylJPfO"]
[UTCDate "2024.10.02"]
[UTCTime "15:51:51"]
[WhiteElo "1319"]
[BlackElo "1217"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "+30"]
[BlackRatingDiff "-143"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "3600+60"]
[ECO "C40"]
[Opening "King's Pawn Game: Damiano Defense"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6?! { (0.98 → 1.82) Inaccuracy. f5 was best. } { C40 King's Pawn Game: Damiano Defense } (2... f5 3. d4 fxe4 4. Nxe5 Nf6 5. Bg5 Be7 6. Nc3 d5 7. f3) 3. Ke2?! { (1.82 → 1.05) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (3. d4 d6) 3... d6 4. Ke3?! { (1.07 → 0.42) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (4. d4 Be6) 4... c5 5. c3?! { (0.68 → -0.13) Inaccuracy. Nc3 was best. } (5. Nc3 Nc6) 5... g6?! { (-0.13 → 0.91) Inaccuracy. f5 was best. } (5... f5) 6. d4 Bh6+ 7. Kd3 g5?! { (0.40 → 1.51) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (7... d5) 8. dxe5?? { (1.51 → -0.84) Blunder. Na3 was best. } (8. Na3 Nc6 9. d5 Nce7 10. Be3 Kf7 11. Nd2 Ng6 12. f3 N8e7 13. h4 Nf4+) 8... fxe5?? { (-0.84 → 1.14) Blunder. dxe5+ was best. } (8... dxe5+ 9. Kc2) 9. Be3? { (1.14 → -0.01) Mistake. h4 was best. } (9. h4 g4) 9... Nc6?! { (-0.01 → 0.85) Inaccuracy. g4 was best. } (9... g4 10. Bxh6) 10. Na3? { (0.85 → -0.28) Mistake. Nxg5 was best. } (10. Nxg5 Nf6) 10... d5?! { (-0.28 → 0.79) Inaccuracy. g4 was best. } (10... g4 11. Bxh6) 11. exd5?! { (0.79 → 0.07) Inaccuracy. Nxg5 was best. } (11. Nxg5 Nf6) 11... Qxd5+? { (0.07 → 1.56) Mistake. Nf6 was best. } (11... Nf6 12. h4) 12. Ke2 Qe4?? { (1.24 → 4.76) Blunder. Be6 was best. } (12... Be6 13. Qxd5) 13. Qd3?? { (4.76 → -3.98) Blunder. Nb5 was best. } (13. Nb5 Ke7) 13... Qg4?? { (-3.98 → 2.54) Blunder. Qxd3+ was best. } (13... Qxd3+ 14. Kxd3 Bf5+ 15. Kc4 Nf6 16. Kb3 Rd8 17. h4 Ke7 18. Bxc5+ Ke6 19. Bc4+) 14. h3 Qe6 15. Nb5 Bf8?? { (3.81 → 30.89) Blunder. e4 was best. } (15... e4) 16. Nc7+ Ke7 17. Nxe6 Kxe6 18. Qc4+ Kd7 19. Qxc5 b6? { (8.56 → Mate in 6) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bxc5 was best. } (19... Bxc5 20. Rd1+) 20. Qd5+ Kc7 21. Nxe5 Nge7 22. Qe4 Bf5 23. Qc4 Rb8 24. Nxc6 Nxc6 25. Qf7+ Be7 26. Qxf5 Rhf8?! { (27.13 → Mate in 2) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rbe8 was best. } (26... Rbe8 27. Rd1) 27. Qxh7?! { (Mate in 2 → 20.31) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kf3 was best. } (27. Kf3 Rxf5+ 28. Ke4#) 27... Na5?! { (20.31 → Mate in 3) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rbd8 was best. } (27... Rbd8 28. b4) 28. b4?! { (Mate in 3 → 31.55) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kd3 was best. } (28. Kd3 Rf4 29. Bxf4+ gxf4 30. Ke4#) 28... Nc6?! { (31.55 → Mate in 3) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rbd8 was best. } (28... Rbd8 29. Qxe7+) 29. Ke1?! { (Mate in 3 → 19.57) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kd3 was best. } (29. Kd3 Rf4 30. Bxf4+ Kd7 31. Ke4#) 29... Rfd8 30. Bb5 a6 31. Bxc6 Kxc6 32. Qxe7?? { (28.51 → Mate in 1) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Qe4+ was best. } (32. Qe4+) 32... Rb7?? { (Mate in 1 → Mate in 6) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kd5# was best. } (32... Kd5#) 33. Qxd8 Rd7 { Black offers draw } 34. Qxg5 Rd5 35. Qf6+ Rd6 36. Qf3+ Rd5 37. Rd1 b5 38. Qxd5+ Kc7 39. Qd6+ Kb7 40. Qb6+ Kc8 41. Rd8# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0