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[Event "Rated bullet game"] [Site ""] [Date "2019.07.05"] [White "Iamdannyel"] [Black "Tal2876"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2019.07.05"] [UTCTime "18:54:29"] [WhiteElo "2053"] [BlackElo "1935"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-13"] [BlackRatingDiff "+14"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "60+0"] [ECO "D02"] [Opening "Queen's Pawn Game: London System, with e6"] [Termination "Time forfeit"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. Bf4 { D02 Queen's Pawn Game: London System, with e6 } Nf6 4. e3 Bd6 5. Bxd6 Qxd6 6. Bd3 Qb4+ 7. Qd2 Qxb2 8. Qc3 Qxc3+ 9. Nxc3 c6 10. O-O Nbd7 11. Rab1 O-O 12. a4 b6 13. Rfe1 Bb7 14. Ne2 c5 15. c3 c4 16. Bc2 Bc6 17. Ng3 Rfb8 18. a5 bxa5 19. Ra1 a4 20. Bxa4 Bxa4 21. Rxa4 Rb3 22. Rc1 Nb6 23. Ra6 g6 24. h3 Kf8 25. Rca1 Rxc3 26. Rxb6 Rb3 27. Rba6 c3 28. Ne2 c2 29. R6a2 Rb1+ 30. Kh2 Rab8 31. Kg3 Rxa1 32. Rxa1 Rb1 33. Rxa7 Ne4+ 34. Kh2 Nc3 35. Rc7 Nxe2 36. Rxc2 Re1 37. Rc8+ Kg7 38. Nxe1 Nc3 39. Rc7 Nb5 40. Rc5 Nd6 41. Nf3 Ne4 42. Ne5 Nxf2 43. Rc7 Ne4 44. Rxf7+ Kh6 45. Kg1 Ng5 46. Rc7 Ne4 47. Rc5 Nd2 48. g4 Nf3+ 49. Kf1 Nxe5 50. Ke2 Kg5 51. Rc1 Nc4 52. Rg1 Nxe3 53. h4+ Kf4 { Black wins on time. } 0-1