
Prize arena organized by team for winning the Team Battle series

Hello team!

I am happy to announce, that the day finally came! Team defeated Anti-Chess India in amazing series with close result, 12:10, and recieved the rights to organize inner team prize arena!

Arena informations:
Time and date: 17th July 2021, Saturday 16 UTC
Arena link:
Time control: 1+2
Arena streaks and berserk: Allowed
Duration: 120 minutes

50 dollars will be given to top 10 players accordingly:
1st place = 10 USD
2nd place = 5 USD
3rd place = 5 USD
4th place = 5 USD
5th place = 5 USD
6th place = 5 USD
7th place = 5 USD
8th place = 5 USD
9th place = 3 USD
10th place = 2 USD

When you will be ranked in top 10 places, please contact IAF treasurer @Kotov_Syndrome .

For more informations about tournament contact @Kex09 or @ChangeOpening .

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