
We crossed 30,000 members during my BIRTHDAY! Thanking everyone for your support!

Hello friends! It has been a great and fun-filled journey with you all. I still remember, I created this team thinking it would be an ordinary team with around 100-200 members just like many others. But, your love and support made me work on it more and more and today we NOT only crossed 30,000 members, but now we are also the TOP-5 TEAM OF LICHESS! You all must be wondering regarding why is the team called as Pawn Stars 2, why the number 2? The sad reason is that before this team we had another team called as "Pawns Stars". Unfortunately, my friend closed it (No more my friend anyways). Those were my hard days because I built the team with a lot of love, and it got closed during when it had 800 members. But many of my friends such as @Littlestar12345, @Unknown_warrior11 , @Aaramk, @Blitzstar2006, @Prathmesh0555, @AnIndiantal, @MMwase and many more (Apologies for those whose name I forgot to add) helped me rebuilt my lost hopes and the team back, they are the sole reasons regarding why am I there on currently. Unfortunately I've lost touch with many of them. Anyways, my first team on Lichess was named as Pawns Hurricane, unfortunately somebody invaded it and removed all the members, it also got invaded when it had 800 members after this I formed Pawns stars. So in short, I lost my 2 precious teams learning many great lessons of my life. Without you all this journey was impossible! Keep Motivating me to work more for you, Soon a small tournament to be hosted for this awesome journey of 30k members! And many thanks to the people who gives there time in promoting the tournaments of this team and sponsoring our tournaments! One more thing, Thank you for making my birthday memorable, Sorry for being way too late. Busy with studies nowadays :)
Congrats bro! Very proud that you are my friend!
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