
Elite Arena Blog posts


In the blog post of the first Elite Arena I said that I will write a blog post about every Elite Arena. That is still my intention. But I have much "non chess stuff" to do in the last time. So it could happen that the next Elite Arena blog posts will be published to late or even not published.
If that happens I will try to catch it up but I just wanted to tell you that already that you don't wonder why I didn't write blog posts yet.

I hope you understand my problem!
Best regards!
Okay. I have still time for some "in-between" games. But not so much for writing blog posts because that takes much time. Also the last Elite's weren't worth a blog post. I'll write again one for an elite many players play. I'll also explain why I didn't write blogposts for the ones before in that blog post. I hope that may happen soon.

Best regards.
(I hope you understand me)

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