
Stockfish 16 beta

Cool to see a new Sf version being added, tried it out and haven't had any issues yet.
This might not be completely relevant to this thread but would it be useful to show how large the total SF binary is while its being downloaded so users can estimate how long it will take?
after registering, i asked for local evaluation by toggling -- took maybe 30+ seconds to load stockfish/database... after the initial toggle, i asked for server analysis. server seemed to wait for stockfish to load, then took another 10-15 seconds before starting analysis on the game.

doing another analysis on a different game, "variation arrows let you navigate" dialog appeared in the middle of that server eval. to the best of my knowledge, i didn't move or click on a mouse, nor did i use the keyboard
works pretty well but i have nothing to compare it to
i did notice that loading stockfish 16 on the first time took longer than what it takes on regular lichess
it appears to have gotten stuck calculating moves on the following FEN:
5k2/5p2/8/2KB1N2/8/8/8/8 w - - 11 82

but it could be my computer lagging and having issues with memory and disk swapping

EDIT: looks like it was a one time occurrence
In this FEN: n1QBq1k1/5p1p/5KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
It says complete draw. But as soon as I play Be7 it says white win.
Really nice that there is a new SF version but at the moment if I try to load the engine in a game for example at move 20 it takes a long time until the engine analysis the game.
@cFlour said in #6:
> In this FEN: n1QBq1k1/5p1p/5KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1
> It says complete draw. But as soon as I play Be7 it says white win.

You mean Bc7, right?

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