
Add brillant moves or great moves which actually makes more hype and it shows us what we did great

@MouseSlip said in #2:
> what makes a move brilliant?
when you make a outstanding move that is better than the best move, mostly sacrifices or calculating ALOT ahead
@LZQ_1234 said in #4:
> when you make a outstanding move that is better than the best move, mostly sacrifices or calculating ALOT ahead

You can't make a move better than the best move. The best move is the best move.
@MouseSlip said in #5:
> You can't make a move better than the best move. The best move is the best move.
bro just calculate alot ahead, thew best move is made because its the safest and it can secure you a win but a brillant can be sacrificing or forcing something to win
@LZQ_1234 said in #6:
> bro just calculate alot ahead, thew best move is made because its the safest and it can secure you a win but a brillant can be sacrificing or forcing something to win
Actually, sacrifices are mostly easy to find.
Brilliant moves come from chesscom, and while I don't have anything against them really, brilliant moves seem like something unnecessary on lichess. In my opinion, on chesscom their main purpose is to make people buy membership, because seeing you made a brilliant move gets you all hyped up and makes you want to check after every game, but the game review feature which actually shows you this stuff is paid. So you have to pay.

My suggestion is something like a browser extension which would implement this (open source, of course). I would be able to maybe do this, but my JS skills are quite lacking. I am willing to learn, though.

And also, to clear up the confusion about brilliant moves in this thread: they're not moves which are "better than the best move." They are the best move, but what makes them brilliant are certain circumstances under which they're played. For example, it could be the only move that works, or a sacrifice that leads to forced checkmate. We can't know how these things know for sure, though, as it's all proprietary. Source:

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