
Theory of Evolution: The Big Hoax

The Theory of Evolution

“NOT ONE CHANGE OF SPECIES INTO ANOTHER IS ON RECORD. We cannot prove that a single species has ever changed.” —Charles Darwin

In accepting the theory of evolution, we are asked to accept as fact many other theories. Evolution is not one theory, but a complex series of theories. It is based upon many preconceived `facts`. Any time someone begins piling theory upon theory, the stack of theories becomes like a chain. The failure of any one theory can easily nullify the others.

In `believing` in evolution, we are asked to believe that all of the different forms of life on earth began from a `primeval soup`. No one knows where this `soup` was, or what happened to it. No one can say what happened to suddenly bring forth life from the `soup`. What evidence is there to prove or disprove the theory of evolution? Is evolution a workable explanation for the origin of life on the planet Earth? The purpose of this paper is to present the evidence showing the many misleading `facts` often presented as `proof` that evolution is an undeniable `fact`.

This paper is divided into two parts. The first part is a collection of statements from a file that I downloaded from a BBS.

The second part is a paraphrased dialogue from a study of evolution made by a personal friend of mine. He is represented only by
his initials. I have permission to quote from his dialogue. It is paraphrased because his lecture covered a time period of three hours.
Therefore I have removed portions of it in the cause of brevity. To reproduce it all would probably create a file that is too large.
My friend desires no publicity or material gain for his efforts. Neither do I. I offer this file as public domain. My incentive is that I feel the public has been grossly misinformed as to the validity of the theory of evolution.

Some topics were present in both papers, thus I have paraphrased to avoid redundancy. As for credentials, I have none for the author of part one, although he or she is obviously an educated person. As for my friend's credentials, he is a graduate from a major Texas college with a degree in dentistry. I have known him for more than ten years, and he is not trying to personally convert anyone to any specific point of view. He feels that the evidence speaks for itself. Words that have been capitalized are those that, I feel, demand emphasis. I am responsible for any added emphasis.




"NOT ONE CHANGE OF SPECIES INTO ANOTHER IS ON RECORD. We cannot prove that a single species has ever changed."- Charles Darwin

The Origin of Life

What is life? Is it just having the right combinations of proteins in just the right order? Is a man nothing more than a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow `become alive`?

Evolutionists claim that the process of life was started by some unknown process, millions (or billions) of years ago. This is the foundation of the evolutionary theory. Is there proof that this is really what happened?

One of the greatest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there are too many forms of life to have happened by chance, and the building blocks of life are too complex to have just somehow `happened`. Could a cell by chance come into being that "has the DNA instructions to fill one thousand 600-page books?" (National Geographic).


1. Research has shown that the requirements for life are so complex that chance and even billions of years could not have produced them.

2. Spontaneous generation (the emergence of life from inorganic materials) has never been observed.

3. Mendel's laws of genetics explain virtually all of the physical variations that are observed within life categories such as the dog family. A logical consequence of these laws and their modern day refinements is that there are limits to such variation.

4. The many similarities between different species do not necessarily imply a genealogical relationship; they may imply a common Designer.

5. The human body (or the body of any other creature) cannot live without most internal organs, such as the heart, the lungs, the liver, et cetera. Remove any of these organs, and the specimen dies. This implies that the entire body was created at one point in time.

6. Natural selection cannot produce new genes; it only selects among preexisting characteristics.

7. Mutations are the only proposed mechanism by which new genetic material becomes available for evolution.

8. Almost all observable mutations are harmful; many are fatal.

9. No known mutation has ever produced a form of life having both greater complexity and greater viability than its ancestors.

10. Over seventy years of fruit-fly experiments, equivalent to 2700 human generations, give no basis for believing that any natural or artificial process can cause an increase in either complexity or viability. No clear genetic improvement has been observed despite the many unnatural efforts to increase mutation rates. In addition, no `new` life form has been produced by mutation. No fruit fly `evolved` into a mosquito or a bee.

11. There is no evidence that mutations could ever produce any new organs such as the eye, the ear, or the brain.

12. If the earth, early in its alleged `evolution`, had oxygen in its atmosphere, the chemicals needed for life would have been removed by oxidation. But if there had been no oxygen, then there would have been no ozone, and without ozone all life would be quickly destroyed by the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

13. Two aspects ignored by studies of the origin of life are:

a) The beauty of the different forms of life.

b) The symmetry of virtually all forms of life.

Evolutionary scientists ignore these aspects, primarily because these two things suggest a Creator. Virtually all recorded mutations produce malformed, `non-evolutionary` changes in the subject under study.

14. There have been many imaginative but unsuccessful attempts to explain how just one single protein could form from any of the assumed conditions of the early earth. The necessary chemical reactions all tend to move in the direction opposite from that required. Furthermore, each possible energy source, whether the earth's heat, electrical discharges, or the sun's radiation, would destroy the protein products millions of times faster than they could be formed.

15. If, despite the virtually impossible odds, proteins arose by chance processes, there is absolutely no reason to believe that they could ever form a self-reproducing, membrane-encased, living cell. There is no evidence that there are any stable states between the assumed naturalistic formation of proteins and the formation of the first living cells. No scientist has ever advanced a testable procedure whereby this fantastic jump in complexity could have occurred -- even if the universe were completely filled with proteins, as you will see.

16. The cells of living creatures are enormously complex. Every part must be present in order for the cell to survive. All the parts have different `jobs`. It is not illogical to state that if you remove any one part, the cell cannot survive. This obviously implies that the parts (ie, the cell membrane, the nucleus, the ribosomes, etc.) had to have come into being at the same time.

17. Computer-generated comparisons have been made of the sequences of amino acids that comprise a protein which is common to 47 forms of animal and plant life. The results of these studies seriously place the theory of evolution into jeopardy.

18. The genetic information contained in each cell of the human body is roughly equivalent to a library of 4000 volumes. For chance mutations and natural selection to produce this amount of information, assuming that matter and life `somehow` got started, is analogous to continuing the following procedure until 4000 volumes have been produced:
(a) Start with a meaningful phrase.
(b) Retype the phrase but make some errors and insert
some additional letters.
(c) Examine the new phrase to see if it is meaningful.
(d) If it is, replace the original phrase with it.
(e) If it is not, return to step (b).

To accumulate 4000 volumes that are meaningful, this procedure would have to produce the equivalent of far more than 10^3000 (10 to the 3000th power) animal offspring. To begin to understand how large 10^3000 is, realize that the entire universe has `only` about 10^80 atoms in it.

19. Based on present day observations, DNA can only be replicated or reproduced with the help of certain enzymes. But these enzymes can only be produced at the direction of DNA. Since each requires the other, a satisfactory explanation for the origin of one must simultaneously explain the origin of the other.

20. Amino acids, when found in nonliving matter, come in two forms that are chemically equivalent; about half can be described as "right-handed" and half "left-handed" (a structural description -- one is the mirror image of the other). However, the protein molecules found in all forms of life, including plants, animals, bacteria, molds, and even viruses, have only the left-handed variety. The mathematical probability that chance processes could produce just one tiny protein molecule with only left-handed amino acids is virtually zero.

21. The simplest form of life consists of 600 different protein molecules. The mathematical probability that just one molecule could form by the chance arrangement of the proper amino acids is far less than 1 in 10^527 (10 to the 527th power). The magnitude of the number 10^527 can begin to be appreciated by realizing that the visible universe is about 10^28 inches in diameter.

22. There are many instances where quite different forms of life are completely dependent upon each other. Examples include: fig trees and the fig gall wasp, the yucca plant and the pronuba moth, many parasites and their hosts, pollen-bearing plants and the honey-bee family consisting of the queen, workers, and drones. There are many, many others. If one member of each interdependent group evolved first (such as the plant before the animal), the other member could not have survived. Since all members of the group obviously have survived, they must have come into existence at essentially the same time.

23. Earthly life forms reproduce after their own kind. Different animals do not inter-breed. This suggests that each of these life forms were distinctly created. Cats and dogs do not interbreed to produce `cat- dogs`. Therefore it is highly unlikely that different life forms were formed by species interbreeding.


"The vast majority of artists` conceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence. Artists must create something between an ape and a man; the older the specimen is said to be, the more apelike they make it."

-- Science Digest

1. Stories claiming that primitive, ape-like men have been found are overstated. Piltdown man was an acknowledged hoax. The fragmentary evidence that constituted Nebraska man was a pig's tooth. The discoverer of Java man later acknowledged that it was a large gibbon and that he had withheld evidence to that effect. The `evidence` concerning Peking man has disappeared. Louis and Mary Leakey, the discoverers of Zinjanthropus (previously referred to by some as Australopithecus), later admitted that they were probably apes. Ramapithecus man consists merely of a handful of teeth and jaw fragments; his teeth are very similar to those of the gelada baboon living today. For about 100 years the world was led to believe that Neanderthal man was stooped and ape- like. Recent studies show that this individual was crippled with arthritis and probably had rickets. Neanderthal man, Heidelberg man, and Cro-Magnon man are similar to humans living today. Artists' depictions, especially of the fleshy portions of the body, are quite imaginative and are not supported by evidence. Furthermore, the dating techniques are highly questionable.

2. Many of the world's fossils show, by the details of their soft fleshy portions, that they were buried before they could decay. This, together with the occurrence of polystrate fossils (fossils that traverse two or more strata of sedimentary rock) in Carboniferous, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic formations, is unmistakable evidence that this sedimentary material was deposited rapidly -- not over hundreds of millions of years.

3. Many fossils of modern looking humans have been found deep in rock formations that are supposedly many millions of years older than evolutionary theory would predict. These remains are ignored or even suppressed by evolutionists.

4. The vertical sequencing of fossils is frequently not in the assumed evolutionary order.

5. Nowhere on the earth can one find the so-called "geologic column." Even at the Grand Canyon, only a small fraction of this imaginary column is found.

6. If `evolution` had occurred, the fossil record should show continuous and gradual changes from the bottom to the top layers and between all forms of life. Just the opposite is found. Many complex species appear suddenly in the lowest layers, and innumerable gaps and discontinuities appear throughout.

7. The vast majority of the sediments, which encase practically all fossils, were laid down though water.

8. The worldwide fossil record is evidence of the rapid death and burial of animal and plant life by a flood; it is not evidence of slow change.

9. A `simple' protein consists of about 100 amino acids. How likely would it be that such a protein could `chain together` by chance? Assume that we have a `soup` full of amino acids. We want these amino acids to `link up` at random to form a protein consisting of 100 amino acids. How many different combinations are there? Suppose there are 20 different amino acids available. If we wanted a chain of two acids there would be 20 possibilities for the first and 20 for the second - a total of 20 X 20 = 400 possibilities. For a chain of three acids, there would be 20 X 20 X 20 = 8000 possibilities. For a protein consisting of 100 amino acids (a `simple` protein), there would be 20^100 possibilities. 20^100 is roughly equal to 10^130. Scientists have stated that there may be as many as 10^22 stars in the observable universe. Let`s be generous and assume there are 1000 times that many. Let`s generously assume that each star has 10 `Earths`; that is, 10 planets that have the conditions necessary for the support of life. We will change the water into amino acids (10^46 molecules). Thus, 10^26 * 10^46 = 10^72 amino acids on all the `earths`. A year has less than 10^8 seconds for a total of 10^78 chains per year. Let`s assume that the universe is 100 billion years old. We would have 10^78 * 10^11 chains formed in all the oceans of amino acids on all of our `earths` around all our stars, for all the years that the universe has existed. But we have seen that there are about 10^130 possibilities. Therefore, the probability of forming by chance the given protein consisting of 100 amino acids in 10^89 tries is less that 10^89/10^130, which equals 1/10^41, OR, 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000041. This is, needless to say, an infinitely small number.

Thus, even if there were 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
`Earths`, instead of just the one Earth, the chances of life emerging on
EVEN ONE of them are bleak, to say the least.
And by the way, we looked at a `simple` protein. The average-
sized protein has 500 amino acids!

10. Detailed studies of various animals have revealed certain physical
equipment and capabilities that cannot be duplicated by the world's best
designers using the most sophisticated technologies. A few examples
include: the miniature and reliable sonar systems of the dolphins,
porpoises, and whales; the frequency modulated radar and discrimination
system of the bat; the efficiency and aerodynamic capabilities of the
hummingbird; the control systems, internal ballistics, and combustion
chambers of the bombardier beetle; and the precise and redundant
navigational systems of many birds and fish. Scientists have `proven`
that it is aerodynamically impossible for a bee to fly. Yet it flies.
The many components of these complex systems could not have evolved in
stages without placing a selective disadvantage on the animal.

11. If sexual reproduction in plants, animals, and humans is a result of
`evolution`, an absolutely unbelievable series of chance events would
have had to occur. First, the complex and completely different
reproductive systems of the male must have completely and independently
evolved at about the same time and place as those of the female. A
slight incompleteness in just one of the two would make both systems
useless, and natural selection would oppose their survival. Second, the
physical and emotional systems of the male and female would also need to
be compatible. Third, the complex products of the male reproductive
system (pollen or sperm) would have to have an affinity for and a
mechanical and chemical compatibility with the eggs from the female
reproductive system. Fourth, the intricate and numerous processes
occurring at the molecular level inside the fertilized egg would have to
work with fantastic precision the very first time it happened --
processes which scientists can only describe in an aggregate sense. And
finally, the environment of the fertilized egg, from conception until it
also reproduces with another sexually capable "brother or sister," would
have to be controlled to an unbelievable degree.
And if these processes did not occur at precisely the right time,
then one must restart this incredible chain of events near zero. The
odds then become so astronomical that they insult the intelligence of
anyone with common sense. The `facts` of evolution are already difficult
enough to believe, without stretching them any further.
Either this series of incredible events occurred by random
processes, or else an Intelligent Designer created sexual reproduction.


Naturalistic explanations for the evolution of the solar system and
universe are unscientific and hopelessly inadequate.

According to ALL theories on the evolution of the solar system:

a. The planets should all rotate on their axes in the
same direction; Venus and Uranus rotate `backwards`.

b. All 42 moons of the various planets should revolve in
the same direction; at least 11 revolve `backwards`.

c. The orbits of these 42 moons should all lie in the equatorial
plane of the planet they orbit; many, including the earth's moon,
are highly inclined.

d. The material of the earth (and Mars, Venus, and
Mercury) should almost all be hydrogen and helium --
similar to that of the sun and the rest of the visible universe;
actually much less than 1% of the earth's mass
is hydrogen or helium.

e. The sun should have 700 times more angular
momentum than the planets; the planets have 50 times
more angular momentum than the sun.

1. Detailed analyses indicate that stars could not have formed from
interstellar gas clouds. To do so, either by first forming dust
particles or by a direct gravitational collapse of the gas, would
require vastly more time than the alleged age of the universe. The ONLY
alternative is that stars must have been created.

2. The sun's tidal forces are so strong that dust clouds or gas clouds
lying within the orbit of Jupiter could never condense to form planets.
3. Saturn's rings could not have formed from the disintegration of a
former satellite or from the capture of external material; its particles
are too small and too evenly distributed throughout an orbit that is too

4. The moon was not torn from the earth, nor did it congeal from the
same material as the earth since the relative abundance of its elements
are too dissimilar from those of the earth. If the moon formed from
particles orbiting the earth, other particles should be easily visible
inside the moon's orbit; none are. The moon's circular, highly inclined
orbit is strong evidence that it was never captured by the earth. If the
moon was not pulled from the earth, was not built up from smaller
particles near its present orbit, and was not captured from outside its
present orbit, only one possibility remains. The moon must have been
created in its present orbit.

5. No scientific theory exists to explain the origin of matter, space,
or time. Since each is intimately related and defined in terms of the
other, a satisfactory explanation for the origin of one must also
explain the origin of the others. Naturalistic explanations have
completely failed.

6. One Postulation of The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the
energy of our universe is constant, or `conserved`. Countless
experiments have shown that regardless of the energy conversion process,
the total amount of energy (or its mass equivalent) remains constant. A
corollary of the First Law is that no energy can be created. Since the
universe obviously has energy, that energy must have been created in the
past when The First Law was not operating. Since the energy of the
universe could not have created itself, Something external must have
created it.

7. Stellar evolution is assumed in estimation the age of stars. These
age estimates are then used to establish a framework for `stellar
evolution`. This is CIRCULAR reasoning.

8. There is NO evidence that galaxies `evolved`.


1. Any estimated date prior to the beginning of written records must
necessarily assume that the dating clock has operated at a known rate,
that the initial setting of the clock is known, and that the clock has
not been disturbed. These assumptions are not verifiable, and are not
necessarily reliable.

2. A major assumption that underlies all radioactive dating techniques
is that the rates of decay, which have been essentially constant over
the past 70 years, have also been constant over the past 200,000,000
years. This bold, critical, and untestable assumption is made even
though no one knows what causes radioactive decay.

3. The public has been greatly misled concerning the reliability and
trustworthiness of radiometric dating techniques (the Potassium-Argon
method, the Rubidium-Strontium method, and the Uranium-Thorium method).
Many of the published dates can be checked by comparisons with the
assumed ages for the fossils that sometimes bracket radiometrically
dated rock. In over 300 (or almost half) of these PUBLISHED checks, the
radiometrically determined ages were at least one geologic age
in error -- indicating major errors in methodology. An unanswered
question is, "How many other dating checks were not published because
they too were in error?"

4. Pleochroic halos, tiny spheres of discoloration produced by the
radioactive decay of particles that are encased in various crystals,
show that the earth's crust was NEVER in a molten state. Furthermore,
these halos suggest that the rate of radioactive decay was NOT constant,
and in fact, varied by MANY orders of magnitude from that observed

5. Geological formations are almost always dated by their fossil
content, especially by certain INDEX FOSSILS of extinct animals. The
age of the fossil is derived from the ASSUMED evolutionary sequence, but
the evolutionary sequence is based on the fossil record. This reasoning
is CIRCULAR! Furthermore, this procedure has produced many contradictory

6. Human footprints are found alongside dinosaur footprints in the rock
formations of the Paluxy riverbed in Texas. This obviously shows that
man and dinosaurs lived at the same time and the same place. But
evolutionists claim that dinosaurs became extinct about 30 million years
before `man` supposedly began to `evolve`.

7. Many different people have found at different times and places man-
made artifacts encased in coal! Examples include an 8-carat gold chain,
a spoon, a thimble, an iron pot, a bell, and other objects of obvious
human manufacture. Many other "out-of-place artifacts" such as a
metallic vase, a screw, nails, a strange coin, and a doll have been
found buried deeply in solid rock. By evolutionary dating techniques,
these objects would be hundreds of millions of years old; but man
supposedly didn't begin to evolve until 2-4 million years ago. This
casts more doubt on the dating methods used.

8. In rock formations in Utah, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Kentucky,
human footprints that are supposedly 150-600 million years old have been
found and examined by many different authorities. Obviously, there is a
major error in chronology.

9. The fact that there is no worldwide unconformity in the earth's
sedimentary strata implies that this entire geologic record must have
been deposited rapidly. (An "unconformity" is an erosional surface
between two adjacent rock formations representing a time break of
unknown duration. "Conformities" imply a continuous and rapid
deposition. Since one can always trace a continuous path from the bottom
to the top of the geologic record that avoids these unconformities, the
sediments along that path must have been deposited continuously.)

10. Radiocarbon dating, which has been accurately calibrated by counting
the rings of living trees that are up to 3,500 years old, is unable to
extend this accuracy and date organic remains that are more ancient. A
few people have claimed that ancient wood exists which will permit this
calibration to be extended even further back in time, but these people
have not let outside scientists examine their data. On the other hand,
measurements made at hundreds of sites worldwide indicate that
the concentration of radiocarbon in the atmosphere rose quite rapidly at
some time prior to 3,500 years ago. If this happened, a radiocarbon age
of 40,000 years could easily correspond to a true age of 5,000 years.


1. Direct measurements of the earth's magnetic field over the past 140
years show a steady and rapid decline in its strength. This decay
pattern is consistent with the theoretical view that there is an
electrical current inside the earth which produces the magnetic field.
If this view is correct, then 25,000 years ago the electrical current
would have been so vast that the earth's structure could not have
survived the heat produced. This would imply that the earth could not be
older than 25,000 years.

2. The atmosphere has less than 40,000 years worth of helium, based on
just the production of helium from the decay of uranium and thorium.
There is no known means by which large amounts of helium can escape from
the atmosphere. The atmosphere appears to be young.

3. The rate at which elements such as copper, gold, tin, lead, silicon,
mercury, uranium and nickel are entering the oceans is very rapid when
compared with the small quantities of these elements already in the
oceans. Therefore, the oceans must be very much younger than a million

4. Evolutionists believe that the continents have existed for at least
1 billion years. However, the continents are being eroded at a rate
that would have leveled them in a relatively short 14 million years.

5. The occurrence of abnormally high gas and oil pressures within
relatively permeable rock implies that these fluids were formed or
encased less than 10,000 years ago. If these hydrocarbons had been
trapped over 10,000 years ago, there would have been leakage which would
have dropped the pressure to a level far below what it is today.

7. There have been no authenticated reports of the discovery of
meteorites in sedimentary material. If the sediments, which have an
average depth of 1 1/2 miles, were laid down over hundreds of millions
of years, many of these steadily falling meteorites should have been
discovered. Therefore, the sediments appear to have been deposited
rapidly; furthermore, since there have been no reports of meteorites
beneath the sediments, they appear to have been deposited recently.

8. Since 1836, over one hundred different observers at the Royal
Greenwich Observatory and U.S. Naval Observatory have made direct visual
measurements which show that the diameter of the sun is shrinking at a
rate of about .1% each century or about 5 feet per hour! Furthermore,
records of solar eclipses indicate that this rapid shrinkage has been
going on for at least the past 400 years. Several indirect techniques
also confirm this gravitational collapse, although these inferred
collapse rates are only about 1/7th as much. Using the most
conservative data, one must conclude that had the sun existed one
million years ago, it would have been so large that it would have heated
the earth so much that life could not have survived. Yet, evolutionists
say that a million years ago all the present forms of life were
essentially as they are now, having completed their `evolution` that
began 200 million years ago.

9. Short period comets "boil off" some of their mass each time they
pass the sun. Nothing should remain of these comets after about 10,000
years. There are no known sources for replenishing comets. If comets
came into existence at the same time as the solar system, the solar
system must be less than 10,000 years old.

10. Jupiter and Saturn are each radiating more than twice the energy
they receive from the sun. Calculations show that it is very unlikely
that this energy comes from radioactive decay or gravitational
contraction. The only other conceivable explanation is that these
planets have not existed long enough to cool off.

11. The sun's gravitational field acts as a giant vacuum cleaner which
sweeps up about 100,000 tons of micrometeorites per day. If the solar
system were just 10,000 years old, no micrometeoroids should remain
since there is no significant source of replenishment. A large disk
shaped cloud of these particles is orbiting the sun. Conclusion: the
solar system is less than 10,000 years old.

12. Stars frequently travel in closely spaced clusters, moving in the
same direction at nearly the same speed. This would not be the case if
they had been traveling for billions of years, because even the
slightest difference in their velocity would cause their dispersal after
such great periods of time.

13. If man and languages `evolved`, the earliest languages should be the
simplest. On the contrary, as one studies languages that are
increasingly ancient, such as Latin (200 B.C.), Greek (800 B.C.), and
Vedic Sanskrit (1500 B.C.), they become INCREASINGLY COMPLEX with
respect to syntax, cases, genders, moods, voices, tenses, and verb
forms. The evidence indicates that languages do not Evolve, they

This lecture composed by Dr. L., D.D.S

I request that the reader `pretend` that the material below, being
derived from an audio tape, is entirely enclosed in quotes. I have
not included them because I am not a very good typist, and to have
added them would have required quite a bit more time to put this
information into print.

Also, please forgive me for any typing, spelling, or grammatical
errors that I may have made. Thank you.

"I would like to approach the theory of evolution from an academic
standpoint. I have personally paid my most of you know, I
have a degree of dentistry, which requires a study of many courses in
the biological sciences, in college and dental school, to get that type
of degree.
One of the optional courses I took while going to college
was a course entitled `evolution`. After a creationist-oriented child
and teen years, I went to college, and that's when I started getting
REALLY smart.
Looking back now, I realize that I had fallen victim to a great deal
of scientific deception.

I want you to know that the theory of evolution looks pretty good if
you look at it from a distance. When you get right down to the `nuts and
bolts` of evolution, it is in deep trouble.
One of the leading scientists of this age has called evolution
`incredible`. The definition of `incredible` is not `amazing`.
`Incredible` literally means `without credibility`. He said that "the
problem is, the only alternative is creation." In effect he meant that
since he `knew` creation is `wrong`, he HAD to believe evolution.
This was not a man making fun of creationism. This is a scientist,
and true scientists all over the world realize that the theory of
evolution is in deep trouble. Yet they cling to it, because to do
otherwise would be to admit the existence of God.
In the 1800`s and in the past, we knew so little about the life
process that scientists could make a case for the theory of evolution.
However, as our knowledge of genetics and the human body as a whole
progressed, facts began emerging that cause the theory of evolution to
be in doubt. The same goes for our knowledge of the universe.

I believe it was Karl Marx that said that `religion is the opiate of
the masses`. In other words he meant that the masses use religion as an
opiate to mollify their existence.
I say that evolution is the opiate of the scientist. I believe that
every person has seen enough evidence to realize that sooner or later
they will come face-to-face with a holy God. In order to pacify their
conscience concerning that inevitable meeting, the scientists have come
up with a theory that, in effect, says `there is no God`. The theory of
evolution basically says that we made ourselves. Creationism says that
a Creator made us.

I went through a stage of theistic evolution, trying to combine
creationism with the theory of evolution, because I had been taught that
the theory of evolution is an absolute law. But I soon learned that the
theory of evolution is totally contrary to the Scriptures.

So I've come full circle. We will now explore the theory of
evolution to see `what makes it tick`, to see what the scientific basis
is for the theory of evolution. We will see how sound the foundation is
for the theory of evolution.

We need to differentiate between ORGANIC evolution and INORGANIC
evolution. ORGANIC evolution concerns LIVING matter; INORGANIC means
non-living matter. We will be concerned only with ORGANIC evolution.
There are those that say that the universe `evolved`. That subject would
require a separate study. For now we are concerned only with `organic
First, a definition of `evolution`. Simply stated, evolution is the
theory that living matter arose from chemicals.
When I was in college, one of the first laws I was taught was the
`Law of Biogenesis`. This law states that life does NOT arise
spontaneously from non-living materials. Needless to say, the theory of
evolution is in direct conflict with this law. The theory of evolution
says that life emerged spontaneously from dead matter. The origin of the
theory of evolution was, of course, Charles Darwin. He was not the only
scientist who postulated the theory, however. Lamar was another
scientist who was a believer in the theory of evolution.

What is the `motor` that propels the theory of evolution? To
understand the `motor`, we need to discuss the concepts that are
necessary to the theory of evolution.
Those are natural selection, mutations, and lengthy (or epochal)
time periods. We want to look at these things individually, to see
"where the evolutionist is coming from", and to see how steady the
foundation of the theory of evolution is.

NATURAL SELECTION is the tendency of nature to perpetuate the
`survival of the fittest`. It says that as we `evolved` over the
millions of years, the strongest of each of the species has survived,
and have gradually changed into a new and different life-form. It is
also the `natural selection` tendency to eliminate the inferior species,
those unfit to live in a changing world. Natural selection is NOT a
method of `macro mutation`, and we need to differentiate between `macro
mutation` and `micro mutation`.
`MACRO MUTATION` is a major postulate of the theory of evolution.
It says that species are able to `evolve`, and to change into A NEW AND
DIFFERENT SPECIES. Natural Selection is NOT a method of `macro
`MICRO MUTATION` is the ability of members of a given species to
exist in different forms. For instance, a poodle and a Saint Bernard are
examples of `micro mutation`. They are of course both dogs, but have
different appearances. But you must remember that no matter what the
color, no matter what the size, they are STILL dogs. They are not
`evolving` into horses.
I believe in micro mutations, but I do not believe in macro
mutations. There is simply no evidence whatsoever that macro mutations
have ever produced a more viable life-form.

An example of a micro mutation is the `peppered moth` of the eastern
seaboard. Evolutionists love to say that this moth is `proof` of
evolution, because the color of this moth has changed from light colors
to dark colors over the past several hundred years. They say that since
the trees of that area have darkened in color due to air pollution, the
moth has `evolved` into a darker color to evade their natural predators
by `matching` the color of the tree bark. They neglect to mention that
the moth has changed color for the SAME REASON that the trees have, due
to air pollution and smog. Yet evolutionists point to this as the
`greatest proof` of the theory of evolution ever witnessed.
If this is `evidence` of evolution, I say that they have not
witnessed evolution at all, BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL MOTHS. They still
have the genetic material of a moth.

Thus there are limits to the extent of change within the many
different species. It is amazing how far these limits extend. The
genetic material has variations, but a dog will always be a dog. No dog
has `evolved` into a horse. If one ever did, the theory of evolution
would have at least a reprieve. But no solid evidence of such an
incident exists.

I recently read that if you took one chromosome from a human and
stretched it out, it would be seven feet long. ONE chromosome. It would
be so thin you could not see it even with an electron microscope.
If you took ALL of the chromosomes in the average human body and
stretched them in a chain, they would extend back and forth to the moon
200,000 times. I want you to know that there is an enormous amount of
genetic information in the human body.
If you took the genetic information in your body and entered it into
your computer word processor, it would require enough paper to more than
fill the Grand Canyon.
It takes an enormous amount of information to produce a human from
the sperm and ovary. It takes a gigantic amount of genetic
`instructions` to produce a human.

The theory of evolution says that by mutations, `accidents` can
happen to that instruction bank, and then as that organism grows into
adulthood, that `accident` will produce a `better` life form.
Now, the human body is infinitely more complex than an automobile.
What if, during the construction of an automobile, someone at the
factory changes something? What if they connected a spark plug wire to
the gas tank? What if they miswired the electrical system? What if they
installed the pistons backwards? What if they installed the distributor
where it was not in sequence with the crankshaft? Would the result ever
be an improvement in any of these cases? Of course not.

The same results are produced when genetic material mutates.
Mutations are virtually always detrimental. The results are usually
fatal. Sometimes the subject is merely crippled. Sometimes there is
simply a malformed form of the same creature. But there is NO evidence
of a mutation ever producing a more viable life-form.
Thus we have now discussed both natural selection and mutations.
These, remember, are the cornerstones of the theory of evolution. But
mutations are the only means of producing `evolution` as we know it.

I would like to read an excerpt from a book written by Dr. Walter T.
Brown. Dr. Brown is a retired Colonel from the Air Force, a West Point
graduate, and has a PhD in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. It is my understanding that MIT does not give degrees to
persons who do not have the credentials necessary to obtain one. He has
been a Fellow of the National Science Foundation, and so on.

In his book, Dr. Brown says that "the process of mutation is the
only known source of raw materials of genetic viability, and hence,
evolution." He is quoting here from a man named Theodosus Dzenski [sp],
who is one of the most famous teachers of the theory of evolution.
Dzenski [sp] says, "The mutants which arise are, with rare
exceptions, deleterious to their carriers, at least in the environments
which the species normally arise."
In other words, he is saying that if these mutants are produced in a
laboratory setting, a scientist can sometimes manage to keep them alive.
In the environments where the species normally lives, these mutants
usually die.

A quote from the magazine `Origin of The Species` says, "If we say
that if only by chance the mutants are useful, we are still speaking too
leniently. In general, they are useless, detrimental, or lethal."
Why that quote was in that magazine is a mystery, because if you're
trying to sell the theory of evolution, that statement is not conducive
to your cause.

Paul Moorehead has written a book, "Mathematical Challenges to the
Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution." In it, he says he decided "to
find out whether a single amino acid change in a hemoglobin mutation
is known that doesn`t produce a result harmful to the function of that
hemoglobin." He was studying the changes necessary in a hemoglobin to
improve it.
He says, "One is hard put to find such an instance." Yet
evolutionists have taught for years that Alpha Hemoglobin A changed
through mutations into Beta Hemoglobin A.
Mr. Moorehead learned that such a mutation would require A MINIMUM
of 10^120 mutations.
How large is 10^120? There are "only" 10^80 electrons in the entire
universe. Now this man is telling us that it would take 10^120 micro
mutations to change this one hemoglobin? How many of you believe that
evolution accomplished this feat?

To continue this story, scientists say that there is enough room in
the space around an atom so that the electrons of an atom have the same
amount of space as two bees flying in Saint Peter's Cathedral. Thus
there is a large amount of space between the electrons that orbit around
an atom.
How many electrons do you think you could `pack` into the universe
if you disregarded the electrical repulsion of the electrons? We know
that there are 10^80 electrons, and there is the same amount of space
between electrons as two bees flying in Saint Peter`s Cathedral.
What exponent do we put on the 10 now? The answer is 10^120, the
same as the number of mutations required to change that single
The more you think about this comparison, the more you will begin to
realize that the theory of evolution is on shaky ground.

What are some of the mutations present in the human species? Well,
there is albinism, dwarfism, color blindness, and Down syndrome. These
are genetic mutations, the `stuff` that evolutionists say produced
modern man.
How many of those would you like to have? How many of those
mutations have benefited the people that they happened to?
The motor that drives the theory of evolution is mutations. Yet
there has never been a documented example of a beneficial mutation.

One of the things we have been pounded with is the amount of time
necessary to allow mutations to produce modern-day species. The
evolutionists are desperately looking for time, because if you can
produce enough time, you can hide the many weaknesses of the theory of
evolution. But eons of time are an absolute necessity, simply because of
the amount of mutations necessary, as we saw a few minutes ago.

There are a number of `clocks` that are used to judge the age of the
universe. We will see whether or not these `clocks` are reliable. We
will see whether or not the universe is really as old as the theory of
evolution postulates.

The first is radio-metric dating. Potassium argon or uranium lead is
used to determine how old something is. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon.
Carbon normally has 12 electrons, but occasionally a carbon atom has 14
electrons. When it has 14, it is unstable.
If you took ten pounds of Carbon-14 and came back 1,000 years later,
if there was only five pounds of Carbon-14 left, and the rest was
Carbon-12, that is how you would at least theoretically determine the
age of the carbon. If that is over your head, just let it go; but that
is how that `clock` works.
When a creature is alive it of course breathes. Even plants breathe.
Thus Carbon-14 enters the creature or plant. When an animal dies, you
should be able to measure the amount of Carbon-14 remaining in the
specimen and thus to determine the age of that specimen. You should be
able to use a scale to determine how much Carbon-14 it should have had,
and then the specimen's age should be measurable. This dating method,
incidentally, is only good for organic material, and it is only reliable
for a time span of about 40,000 years. For a longer period of time,
potassium argon or lead uranium dating must be used. These latter
materials have half-lives (supposedly) in the millions of years.
This is a pretty good theory; we shall now see how shaky its
foundation is.

To make these clocks work, you have to assume that the rate of
radioactive decay is the same today as it has been for the last 40,000
years. However, scientists have recently discovered that the rate of
radioactive decay can be changed, not in tiny amounts, but in
significant amounts. Yet we have been deceived into believing that
radioactive decay is an absolutely steady process. That is not true.
Another necessity for this clock is that the amount of Carbon-14 in
the atmosphere would have to have been the same for the last 40,000
years. How many of you believe that the concentration of C-14 in the
atmosphere 20,000 years ago was the same as it is today? How many of you
believe that it was the same 50 years ago? It wasn't. We've been
measuring it for about 50 years, and it has changed in `only` 50 years.
What does that tell you about the reliability of the Carbon-14 dating
How many of you believe that the concentration of radioactive argon
or potassium is the same as it was two million years ago? That is a very
shaky presumption for the theory of evolution.
The point that I am trying to make is that the `facts` that we have
been bombarded with are not necessarily true. We assume, since a theory
comes from a `distinguished` scientist, it is a law. That is an absolute
falsehood. These `clocks` are NOT as reliable as we have been led to

A scientist who won the Nobel Peace Prize once said, at a meeting
with other Nobel Prize winners, concerning radio-metric dating, "if it
corroborates our theory and our work, we print it. If it comes close, we
put it in a footnote. If it is contradictory, we don't mention it at
How's that for scientific honesty?
A quote from `Common Problems With Radio-Metric Dating`: "The fact
that erroneous results can be and often are derived from radio-metric
dating techniques has been experimentally verified. For instance living
snails have been dated at 2,300 years old by the carbon-dating method."
How many of you believe that a living snail could be 2,300 years
old? Wood from living trees has been dated at being 10,000 years old.
How many of you believe that a tree can live 10,000 years?
Hawaiian lava flows known to be about 200 years old have been dated
by potassium argon dating as being 3,000,000,000 years old.

These scientists would do well to consider the question put to Job
by God: "Where were YOU when I laid the foundation of the earth?"

I have a total of 69 points that indicate a young earth. We will not
have time to cover them all, but I will include as much information as

We will now talk about the `clock` of cosmic dust. 14,000,000 tons
of cosmic dust fall on the earth every year. The earth has a good
atmosphere so that this dust could have been dispersed for a long period
of time.
Cosmic dust has a high concentration of nickel in it. Therefore if
this dust has been falling for hundreds of millions of years, we should
be able to find an enormous amount of nickel. We have not. Either the
rate of this dust has changed greatly in the last 50 years, or our world
is not as old as we have been led to believe.
Scientists thought that the lunar lander had to be designed with
large feet. Since there is no atmosphere or rain to disperse this cosmic
dust, considering the supposed age of the moon, the lunar lander might
sink into the dust.
How much did it cost taxpayers to pay for the landing pods on the
lunar module? Remember that the lunar lander had `feet` about six feet
in diameter?
What happened? The dust wasn't 200,000,000 years thick, was it? It
was about 1/2 an inch deep. What does that point to? A young moon.

How about Niagara Falls? Scientists have measured the erosion rate
of Niagara Falls for more than 100 years. If the North American
continent has existed for as long as evolutionists claim, Niagara Falls
would have eroded itself completely around the world, more than once.
What does that suggest? A young earth.

How about the Mississippi delta? Scientists have studied it for more
than 150 years, because of the concern about flooding of the delta area.
There is a great deal of information about the Mississippi delta. At its
current rate of sedimentation, guess how long it has taken to reach its
present configuration? About 4,000 years.
The delta produces about 300,000,000 cubic yards of sedimentation
into the Gulf of Mexico every year.
You can also look at from the other side. At the current rate of
sedimentation, if the Mississippi delta has existed as long as
evolutionists say it has, it would have filled up the Gulf of Mexico
more than once. What does that suggest? A young earth.

Scientists have discovered that the Earth's rotational speed is
declining. If the earth is 2,000,000,000 years old, as evolutionists
say it is, and it had been slowing at the present rate, the earth would
have stopped rotating many years ago. Its rotational speed would be
Looking at this in another light, if you extrapolate the rotational
speed of the earth, and increase it as you go back in time 2,000,000,000
years, it would have been spinning so rapidly that all the continents
would have drifted to the equator, and the earth would have become a
`pancake`. What does this point to? A young earth.

The earth has a population growth of about 1/2 of 1% a year.
Actually this is a very conservative estimate. In actuality, the growth
rate is about twice that much.
How long would take one man and one woman to populate the entire
world at 1/2 its present rate of growth? About 4,000 years.
If you went back in time to the time when evolutionists say that
mankind as we know it began, guess what the population of the earth
would be at 1/2 the present growth rate. The population would be 10^2100
people! You remember that there are `only` 10^80 electrons in the
universe. Remember that if the universe were `packed` with electrons,
there would only be room for 1^120 electrons? That number is NOTHING
compared to 10^2100.
What does this evidence point to? A young earth.

Let's talk about stars. Our sun produces the energy of about
1,000,000,000 hydrogen bombs per second. By doing that it is converting
the smallest form of atomic elements, hydrogen, and radiating that out
into space. The sun is therefore consuming itself.
There are stars that are 1,000,000 times brighter than our sun. That
means that they are using a phenomenal amount of matter to produce this
much energy, and they are radiating this energy out into space. If you
take the present size of those `superstars`, and extrapolate back
2,000,000,000 years, those stars would have had to be implausibly large
to be the size they are today. In fact, one of them would have had to
have been big enough to occupy almost the entire universe! What does
that suggest? A young universe.
There are many more indicators that suggest a young universe. They
range from the sublime to the absurd. Unfortunately, time does permit me
to cover them all.

Now let's consider the demands of creation versus the demands of the
theory of evolution.

First, creation demands the presence of a creator. The theory of
evolution demands the absence of a creator.
Second, creation demands the creation of matter. The theory of
evolution has no explanation for the origin of matter.
Third, as for the time span of the existence of the universe,
creation demands the time span of recorded history. The theory of
evolution demands eons of time, billions of years.
Fourth, creation demands a `spirit world`. That is, the presence of
a `higher power`, one who created this universe and governs its
operation. This `higher power` is the giver of life. The theory of
evolution does not allow for a higher power or a giver of life. The
theory of evolution says life emerged spontaneously from non-living
Fifth, there is the fossil record. Creation demands a sudden
appearance of life forms in the fossil record. The theory of evolution
says that the fossil record should show the `evolution` of life forms.
The theory of evolution says the fossil record should show species
changing from one life form to another. There should be many, many
examples of this in the fossil record, if all the many life forms we see
today truly `evolved` from the `primeval soup`. We will look in detail
at this subject later.

Now, to consider all of these demands in detail, we will begin with
the first. Since the belief or non-belief in a Creator is a personal
matter, this is something that science cannot measure. It is either yes
or no, depending on what a given person believes.
The creationist has a choice here. Ironically, the evolutionist DOES
NOT HAVE A CHOICE. The creationist can choose to believe in a Creator or
to believe in evolution. The evolutionist MUST believe in evolution,
since he `knows` that there is no Creator.

Secondly, there is the question of the origin of matter. The
creationist believes that a Creator created matter. Where does the
evolutionist say matter came from? Why, it came from the `Big Bang`.
Hold it. I didn't say, "how did matter come into its present form?". I
said, WHERE DID MATTER COME FROM? The evolutionist might say it
condensed into this big blob before the `Big Bang`. Well, you missed me
again. I asked, `Where did it come from?`. The point is, the
evolutionist has no answer for this question. If matter `condensed`
from energy, as some evolutionists say, where did that energy come from?
The creationist has no problem with this demand. The evolutionist
has MANY problems with this demand.
It is true that the evolutionist could ask, `Where did the Creator
come from?`. That is an area where man`s mind fails, because man cannot
comprehend the actions of the infinite, or the workings of a Being
infinitely greater than man. There are no words to comprehend or
describe a Being so far advanced from us mere mortal beings.
My answer is that their position on creation demands an answer, and
my position does not, because my position deals with an infinite Being.
The evolutionist's position does not deal with the infinite.

Third, the subject of the age of the universe has been covered in
the previous material. We have seen that dating methods are far from
reliable, and we have seen that there is a great deal of evidence that
strongly suggests that the universe is not nearly as old as the theory
of evolution claims it is.

Fourth, there is the question of where life came from. The
creationist has no problem with this demand. Life was given from the
Creator to man. The creationist has an understanding of life; of what
life really is. The creationist knows that a man is much more than just
a collection of matter and chemicals.
If you ask an evolutionist what life is they will likely tell you
that it is the result of the production of chemicals. In essence, their
only concept of life is the arrangement of matter.
I believe that this question can be proven. Suppose that there is a
person in the hospital who has just died of a heart attack. I challenge
the evolutionist to take this person, to cool him down, and to go in and
repair or replace his heart. If life is nothing more than a collection
of chemicals and the specific arrangement of matter, let's correct the
chemical imbalances in his body, and then the evolutionist can bring him
back to life.
The evolutionist wouldn't have to wait for lightning to strike the
primordial soup, here's a human already `evolved`. Let's see if the
evolutionist can bring him back to life.
I don't mean to be morbid or sarcastic, but I believe that this
example, though it may be offensive, readily illustrates the
shortcomings of the evolutionist's concept of life. In reality, the
average evolutionist knows almost nothing of what life is really all
about, especially the spiritual world. The evolutionist is spiritually
The creationist's understanding of life enables him to see that the
Creator has taken back the life that was given to this man, AND THERE IS


Next we will consider the fossil record. If there is anything that
can tangibly `prove` the theory of evolution, the fossil record would be
the most likely. Fossils can of course be seen, handled, and examined.
It has been instilled into this generation that the age of anything
can be absolutely proven. As we have seen from our study of the various
dating methods, there is very little that is absolute in the `science`
of dating. The methods and results are at best questionable.
Recent advances in science has shown that there are questions
regarding things once thought absolute. I have read that scientists have
discovered that the speed of light is slowing down. There is evidence
that atomic clocks do not run at a constant rate. They, too, are slowing

Concerning the fossil record, let me read what a leading scientist
has said:

"The fossil record reveals the absence of life forms in the lower
2/3rds of the earth's crust. Then, suddenly, an abundance of advanced
life forms appear. The oldest rocks in which indisputable fossils are
found are those of the so-called Cambrien Period. The Cambrien [sp]
Period sedimentary deposits contain BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of fossils of
HIGHLY ADVANCED and HIGHLY DEVELOPED life forms. Every major
invertebrate form is found in the Cambrien rock layer. The complexity of
these advanced life forms is so great that evolutionists claim that it
would have taken 1,500,000,000 years to evolve."

If the theory of evolution is true, why do we find NO life forms
in the rock layers underneath the Cambrien rock layer? If evolution
produced these advanced life forms, where is the evidence that these
fossils `evolved` from more simple life forms? Where are the fossils
that these advanced life forms evolved from?
If you believe in creation, the fossil record fits in perfectly.
This is exactly what you would expect if this world, and the creatures
in it, all began at one point in time. You would expect a sudden
appearance of advanced creatures, virtually at the same time.
What viewpoint does the fossil record support, evolution or
creation? The answer should be obvious to anyone except a close-minded

To conclude:

"Not a single indisputable, multi-cellular fossil has ever been found
in pre-Cambrien rock."

Charles Darwin, regarded by many as the `father` of the theory of
evolution, once said:

prove that a single species has ever changed."
- Charles Darwin

To illustrate the theory of evolution:

3 (Fairy Tale) 3
3 FROG + 200,000,000 YEARS = PRINCE 3
3 (Evolution) 3

Another quote, this one from George Gaylord Simpson, a champion of
the theory of evolution, follows. After stating that nowhere in the
world is a trace of a fossil that would close the considerable gap
between ASSUMED (by evolutionists) fossils of the horse species and its
ASSUMED (by evolutionists) ancestral order, Mr. Simpson says:

"This is true of ALL of the 32 orders of mammals. The earliest and
most primitive known members of EVERY order of mammal ALREADY HAVE the
basic ordinal characters and in NO CASE is an approximately continuous
sequence from one order to another known. In most cases the break is so
sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the order is speculative
and much disputed."

Now that`s the candid admission of a man who was one of the
champions of the theory of evolution.

What scientists have done is to go around the world, gathering
assumed horse fossils, sometimes from the wrong strata. Then they have
come up with this `evolutionary tree` of the horse species. Most people
have seen this `ancestral tree` of the horse species. We have been led
to believe that this `tree` is absolute, indisputable fact. In
actuality, nothing could be further from the truth. It is a merely a
hypothetical exercise, and it is NOT based on sound research.

Because the fossil record is so void of transitional fossils,
evolutionists have come up with a new theory, called `Punctuated
Equilibrium`. This is a theory that my daughter at -------- college has
been bombarded with. She is a pre-med student, which of course involves
the study of life sciences.
First let me define `equilibrium` as we are using it here.
Evolutionists now claim that as a new species `evolves`, there are
periods of `equilibrium` of from one (1) to ten (10) million years
during which some species do not change at all. Evolutionists claim
that this is the reason that we find an abundance of advanced fossils in
one time period, such as in the Cambrien rock layer.
Next we are asked to believe that, after millions of years of
inactivity in their `evolution`, this supposed species suddenly becomes
"punctuated". This means that after all those years of inactivity, the
assumed species changes TO ANOTHER SPECIES in a few thousand years.
Since a few thousand years is so small an amount of time in the
`evolutionary process`, the evolutionists claim that this is the reason
that no transitional life forms are found.
This is a very popular theory nowadays. What is the evidence for
this theory? There is really NO evidence of gradualism. What they are
saying is that the evidence for punctuated equilibrium is, no evidence
for the old theory. Since the absence of transitional fossils disputes
the validity of the theory of evolution, they have now devised this new
theory, also based on no evidence, to `patch up` the lack of evidence
for the original theory of evolution.
I am amazed at how this theory has been accepted, and how it is
being taught in our colleges. It is a ridiculous theory, based on no
But it illustrates one thing clearly. It clearly indicates the
There is no evidence for the theory of evolution, so man has now
accepted ANOTHER theory that has no evidence in fact. Needless to say,
the evolutionist cannot explain how or why this hypothetical phenomena
Jay Gould, one of the authors of this theory, has recently expressed
hope for the appearance of the "Hopeful Monster" theory. This theory
states that a reptile laid an egg, and a bird hatched from it. This is
the only hope for the theory of evolution, because there are NO
transitional fossils in the fossil record.

Dr. Ethridge, the curator of the British Museum, has remarked:

"Nine-tenths of the talk of evolutionists is SHEER
NONSENSE, not founded on observation, and wholly
unsupported by the facts. This museum is full of
proofs of the utter falsity of their views. In
all of this great museum there is not a particle
of evidence of the transmutation of any species."

I suggest that Dr. Ethridge is as qualified to make that judgment as
anyone else in the world. He has millions of fossils at his disposal.
That seems to me to be the honest statement of a scientist who has truly
investigated the theory of evolution, and has found it to be totally
lacking in credibility.
There are about 250,000 species of life that have been discovered in
fossil form. Yet out of this great collection of fossils, Dr. Ethridge
is stating that NOT ONE has been found that supports the theory of
evolution. I hope you will think about the gravity of his statement.

Next we will imagine a mental picture of a man sitting on an
imaginary chair. The chair is not really `there`, but the man is
sitting on it. The poem, illustrative of the theory of evolution, goes:

As I was sitting in my chair
I knew it had no bottom there

Nor arms or legs, but I just sat
Ignoring little things like that

That is a good description of the many shortcomings of the theory of
evolution and its attendant theory, the theory of `punctuated

If you will go up to Glenrose [sp] in north central Texas, you can
find dinosaur footprints and human footprints in the same rock layer.
How did they get there together? The evolutionists tell us that the last
dinosaur died 30,000,000 years before the first `true human` was born.
Did that mud stay moist for 30,000,000 years, so that the dinosaur
footprint and the human footprint would appear in the same rock layer?
Of course not. That would be too ridiculous a statement, even for an
I've seen a movie that was made on those fossils at Glenrose [sp].
It shows the footprints of several dinosaurs and then it shows a human
footprint trail going right across it. Now these human footprints are
not very clear. In fact, the only very clear human footprint in the
collection is not there. Instead, there is a large square where someone
chiseled the human footprint out of the rock and sold it to a tourist.
But you can see the trail of the person walking there, and if you will
use a composite of those footprints you can produce a perfect human
footprint. There are some that show the toes very clearly, some that
show the heel very clearly, and so on. In fact, on one of the
footprints, you can see that this human slipped on the mud, and slid
about three feet. Where his foot stopped, you can see a perfect outline
of this human's toes.
If you want to reassure yourself, look at your foot sometime. If you
study this, you will discover that there is no animal that qualifies as
having possibly those prints. That includes apes, bears, or anything
else. The human footprint is very unique.

Interestingly, in the movie I mentioned above, these human
footprints were shown to both evolutionists and creationists. Their
comments were very revealing.
As you might expect, the creationists came up with the conclusion
that was logical. The prints were what they appear to be. No mystery.
Just more proof of creationism.
The evolutionists, as might be expected, agreed that the dinosaur
tracks were obviously genuine, but they expressed doubts as to whether
those `really were` human footprints.
Do you see the difference in interpretation of data? The
evolutionists disagreed, not because the proof was inconclusive, but
because their preconceived beliefs prevented them from accepting the
data. Of what value is a scientist who will not accept data unless it
agrees with his preconceived views?

Most people have seen dinosaur footprints, or has at least seen
photographs of dinosaur footprints. Everyone, even laymen, know what a
dinosaur footprint looks like. Of course, everyone knows what a human
footprint looks like.
Thus, even an inexperienced layman could conclude that 2 + 2 = 4.
Yet these `scientists`, these evolutionists, could not make the same
conclusion. Why? Their prejudice would not allow them to. Their
`training` and `knowledge` precluded the obvious conclusion.

Next we will discuss The Religion of Evolution. First, a
definition from Webster's New World dictionary:

religion - a. A belief in a supernatural power;
b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual;
c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a
code of ethics;
d. an object that is zealously pursued.

Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these
definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this
supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct
that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the
Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also
believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent
universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible
physical laws. These `overrides` are called `miracles` by most people.

Does evolution qualify as a religion? I would submit that it most
certainly does. Here's why I think it does:

Does the evolutionist believe in a supernatural power?

Yes. They believe in a power that overrules the Second
Law of Thermodynamics. A corollary of this law says that
systems of matter do NOT `evolve` into more organized
states, as the evolutionists say it did after the `Big
Bang`. Instead, this law states that the OPPOSITE is true.
Matter and states of matter become more DISORGANIZED,
rather than more organized, if left to themselves.
The evolutionist's view of primordial earth is that
matter, with no outside intervention, somehow produced

Another term for this disorganization is `ENTROPY`, which
is a term for these increasingly disorganized states.

I hope that you understand what I am saying here. The
Second Law of Thermodynamics is a law that is considered
to be as fundamental as the law of gravity. It is one law
has been proven to be true for a very long time. Yet
evolutionists say that this law was suspended while man
and animal `evolved`. It HAD to have been suspended.

It is ironic that these two directly contradictory issues are being
taught concurrently on our campuses. In the biological sciences, students
are taught the theory of evolution.
Across the campus, the Second Law of Thermodynamics is being taught.
I think you can see how pervasive is the influence of the theory of

A quote from a champion of evolution:

"Evolution is an ANTI-ENTROPIC process, running
COUNTER to the Second Law of Thermodynamics,
with its degradation of energy and its
tendency to uniformity."

- Sir Julian Huxley

"Evolutionists are a group of persons who
believe quite openly in mathematical miracles.
They advocate the belief that, tucked away
in nature, outside of normal physics, there is
a law which performs miracles, provided the
miracles are in the aid of biology. This
curious situation sits oddly in a profession
that for long has been dedicated to finding
logical explanations for Biblical miracles."

- New Scientist Magazine
November, 1981

How's that for contradiction? In other words, evolutionists believe
in miracles for biology, but they do not believe in Biblical miracles.

Dr. Collin Patterson, Senior Principal Scientific Officer in the
Paleontology Department of the British Museum of Natural History, says
that he `now realizes that evolution was a faith. He had been duped into
taking evolution as revealed truth in some way and that evolution not
only conveys no knowledge, but conveys anti-knowledge; apparent knowledge
which is harmful to systematics.

If a evolutionist is honest (and few are), he or she will admit that
there is something necessary to make their theory `work`. The evidence is
conclusive that if one relies solely on the evidence and the laws
governing the operation of this universe, evolution is an impossible

The above, I believe, shows why evolution qualifies as a religion.
Do the pre-conceived beliefs of evolutionists affect their ability to
judge evidence? Yes, they do.
Don't evolutionists observe a code of ethics or a code of behavior,
based on their belief in the theory of evolution, just as creationists
use the code of ethics and behavior found in the Bible? Yes, they do.
Do not evolutionists pursue their beliefs zealously? Yes, they do.
They are strict proponents of voicing their ludicrous beliefs at every

Their belief in the theory of evolution affects their conduct,
enabling them to look at data and reach a conclusion that is plainly
illogical. This could be compared with what the Bible calls `faith`.
Evolutionists have `faith` that their theory is correct, even when the
evidence plainly suggests otherwise.

Before concluding, I would like to stress that believers in
creationism no longer have to `apologize` for their beliefs. The theory
of evolution has so pervaded our society that many believers in
creationism have for years been trying to `combine` the `facts` of the
theory of evolution with the Biblical account of creation. That is not
necessary. Now that you have seen the evidence regarding the
unreliability of dating methods, along with the fossil record, you should
be able to see that there is no longer any need to feel uneasy when
expressing your belief in creationism.

Next we will talk of creationism versus the theory of evolution in
regard to the various disciplines of science. We have already spoken of
the astronomical side of this question.

We will now consider the study of cells. These cells make up every
living thing. What evidence is there in this area, which will settle the
question of evolutionism versus creationism?
If the theory of evolution is correct, then the accidental synthesis
of the DNA molecule had to have taken place. As biological science learns
more and more about the complexity of the cellular structure, the
realization that this feat is impossible has set in.
The DNA molecule can only be replicated in the presence of certain
enzymes; numerous, complicated enzymes. Those enzymes themselves can only
be replicated in the presence of DNA molecules. So, which came first, the
chicken or the egg?
It is not enough to `simply` synthesize the DNA molecule; it would
also have been necessary to synthesize these attendant enzymes, virtually
at the same time. This is mathematically improbable, to say the least.
As we learn more and more about single cells, we have learned that
each cell is composed of thousands of functioning enzymes. In the early
days of science, cells were thought to be simple creations, with only a
few components. Thus their accidental `evolution` was perhaps a bit more
plausible. With the advent of the electron microscope, science has
learned that even singular cells are enormously complicated structures.
The advance of science almost daily erodes the already shaky foundation
of the theory of evolution.
A single cell contains over 1,000 functioning enzymes. Each enzyme
requires a gene to produce it. Each gene might be made up of 1,000 or
more nucliatides [sp]. Each nucliatide [sp] occurs with the arrangement
of four particular molecules that form it; thus, there could be 4^1000
possible combinations of these nucliatides [sp] to form only ONE of these
In other words, for the probability that the proper sequence for the
formation of ONE nucliatide occurred is 4^1000, which is the same as
10^600. Having spoken of exponential numbers before, it is still
difficult to assimilate 10^600. To refresh your memory, remember that
there are only 10^80 electrons in the universe.
Remember that the above odds are for the chance synthesis of ONE
GENE. Also remember that these alleged `evolutionary processes` must link
together to eventually form ONE living cell. The exponents of the numbers
allegedly attributed to these processes quite quickly reaches the
laughable. With each assumed `evolutionary process`, the chances begin to
approach zero very quickly.

Thus, the theory of evolution is in trouble at the very lowest
levels. That is, there is mathematical evidence that the theory of
evolution doesn't even have the possibility of `getting off the ground`.
The theory of evolution cannot even demonstrate the chance synthesis of a
single living cell.
But remember, the evolutionist MUST find a way to explain these
things. To NOT do so would be against his religion. Since the
evolutionist knows that there is no Creator, his ONLY alternative is
the theory of evolution, no matter how ludicrous his theories and
explanations become.

The evolutionists have devised the postulation that, billions of
years ago, the earth had a sea of rich nutrients. In one of many
biological miracles, lightning struck this primordial soup and, by
chance, these nutrients reacted and produced the first living, self-
replicating cell. This cell was the first living thing in the universe,
according to the evolutionist.
The evolutionist conjectures and implies that this jump was just a
minor thing. That is far from the case, as we saw a few minutes ago when
we discussed the odds of even one cell being born by chance.

Concerning that jump from molecule to living cell, a Nobel Peace
Prize winner has deduced that an alien entity, in the dim past, seeded
the many forms of life on earth. Isn't it incredible that a mind
brilliant enough to win the Nobel Prize could come up with such a stupid
This theory, more than anything else, shows the utter failure of the
theory of evolution to explain the origin of life on earth.
This great scientist is basically saying, after realizing that the
theory of evolution is foolishness, since life couldn't have started on
earth, it must have started somewhere else. Apparently evolutionists are
getting more desperate than ever for an explanation of the origin of
life. At least this statement raises the odds. Maybe, just maybe,
somewhere out there in space, there is a planet where the biological
miracles of the evolutionist could have happened. At least this puts
things out in space where there is no one around to be able to prove
their facetious theories wrong.

Earth, with all of its water, with its atmosphere, with its perfect
distance from the sun, with the perfect cant of the axis so that we have
seasonal changes, with the perfect amount of light, with all of this
perfection, if it is impossible for it to have occurred here, how could
it have occurred somewhere else? There seems to be a certain method of
thinking, bound into the minds of certain scientists, to proclaim that it
HAS to have happened, and whatever kind of frenzied thought is necessary
to produce the right circumstances, we MUST devise and proclaim it. There
are apparently no limit to the imaginations of those devising these
theories. There also seems to be no limit as to the gullibility of the
public in accepting these silly theories.

There is also a theory out that, as an embryo develops, its many
appearances at different times reflect its evolution. This applies to
all embryos, whether it be a bird, as turtle, or a human. I was taught
this theory in college.
Do you know when this theory was proven wrong? Back in the 1920's.
As someone once said, There is nothing more fun than to watch an
intelligent man expound on an stupid idea.
So what can you say? The above theory was called the Biogenetic
Law, and it has been proven wrong or proven totally implausible so many
times that it is ridiculous to even consider it.

"This theory is now completely discredited by most
-- Dr. Jeffrey Bryne

Over fifty years ago, Dr. Waldo Shumway [sp] of the University of
Illinois said:

"Experimental embryology demands that this hypothesis
be abandoned."

If that's the case, why is this `law` still being taught? The answer
is that people are preaching the theory of evolution with religious
fervor, and they have to have something to teach. The theory of
evolution, being shaky at best, requires periodic `props` to at least
provide temporary stability. In a pinch, the evolutionist can always
dream up a new theory to bolster his cause.

Evolutionists have to rely on three things to make evolution
`work`. These are natural selection, huge periods of time, and mutations.
The theory of evolution is thus standing on three broken legs. None of
the three are viable models for producing life as we know it. These
theories were worthless thirty years ago, and they are just as worthless
today. The advancements of science, rather than proving the theory of
evolution right, is doing the opposite. The theory of evolution has
become the de facto religion of the humanist society of today.
The truth of mutations is that no one has ever produced a species
change through mutations, whether through micro mutations or through
macro mutations, even in a laboratory, even after thousands of mutations.
The appearance of a species can be changed through mutations; through
species interbreeding, you can come with a poodle or a dachshund. But
guess what? Both are still dogs.

There is the story of a missionary who proposed several possible
explanations of the origin of a tribe of natives. The natives of New
Guinea, after hearing the theory of evolution, openly laughed at the
idea. Why aren't we laughing at it? It has been proven wrong countless
times. The reason that we aren't laughing is that the evolutionist is a
member of a religion, with the theory of evolution as his god. He is a
devout person, and openly laughs at the idea of creationism. That is
called voluntary blindness.

In respect to the issue of genetics, if the theory of evolution is
correct, there is the issue of homologous structures. If you studied the
genetic structure of organisms, you would expect to find a chromosome
with a gene located on it in a place in a chicken that causes the
bird's wing to appear during its development, and you would expect to go
into animals that `evolved` from these lower forms of life and find a
similar gene relative to a homologous structure. In other words, the
forearm of an animal should be similar to the wing of a bird. That is not
the case. Instead, the genes of all these life forms are distinct, each
with their own individual characteristics. There is an obvious
contradiction of the genetic data, and the concept of the inherited
homologous structures is false.

Sir Gavin de Beer [sp], a devout evolutionist, says:

"The attempt to find homologous genes except
in closely related species is HOPELESS.
Organs such as the eye preserve their
similarity in structure, but the genes
responsible for the organ must have become
altered during the evolutionary process."

Have you ever heard a more stupid statement? He is saying that over
the eons, as the eyes have evolved from one creature to the next, the
eyes have remained the same, but the genetic information producing the
eyes have changed. He is saying that mutations produced the same results,
but with different combinations of genes. That's utterly ridiculous, but
it is typical of the desperate measures taken by the evolutionist to be
able to hold on to his god, the theory of evolution.

From the field of anatomy, we should see certain indications in the
anatomical structures of life forms. If the theory of evolution is true,
we should see organs in the human body (for instance) that were useful to
the human during his evolution, but that since have become useless.
When I was a in college, there were about 180 organs in the human
body listed by evolutionists as being in this category. They included
things such as the appendix, the thymus gland, and the big toe.
Over the years, we have learned that these supposedly obsolete
organs do indeed have a use.

The thymus gland is a gland that surrounds an infant's heart at
childbirth. As the child ages, that gland quickly shrinks so much that it
is difficult to find any indication of it in an adult. The evolutionists
have therefore proclaimed this as proof of the theory of evolution, since
it has no use.
Medical science has since discovered that the thymus gland is an
integral part of the mechanism that starts up the immune system of a
child at birth. Would any of you like to do without your auto-immune
system? How long would you live without it? Ask an AIDS patient, if you
don't know the answer to those questions.

Guess what else is part of the auto-immune system? The humble
appendix, believe it or not. It is responsible for the T-Cell formation
which is part of the immune system.
The truth is, there are NO organs that do not have a purpose. If
evolution really happened, we should see them.

We should also see organs being born; that is, organs that
seeing strange organs developing in our bodies, organs that have no use
at the present, but that will have a use sometime in the future. But we
do not, because there are none. This is still another instance of the
proclamation of assumed processes, processes that have no proof of ever
having happened.

Imagine the first amphibian, as he started to evolve a wing. At
first it would be just a stub, having evolved from a useful forearm. In
the midst of its evolution, it would become a useless stub, being halfway
between a forearm and a wing. It would have no function while `evolving`.
Thus it places a severe handicap on the creature. Obviously natural
selection would not allow such a thing to take place. Genetics certainly
disallows it. So there is no way, with reasonable thought, that it could
have happened.
The jawbones of reptiles had three bones in them. Evolutionists say,
by evolution, these bones `migrated` into the three bones inside the
human ear. The evolutionist says that since humans have only one
jawbone, these bones must have produced our ear bones. Isn't that
impressive? Wow. You know, from a distance, that could possibly be
conceivable. However, if you understand the genetics that would have to
be involved with such a migration, it becomes untenable. It becomes
It seems obvious that the evolutionist looks at `facts` from a great
distance away. If you see a human from a distance of one mile, you might
think it is someone you know. As you approach this hypothetical person,
the differences become obvious; you realize that the distance made your
vision poor. That's how the theory of evolution operates. At a distance,
it can sometimes be appetizing; up close, it is frequently laughable.
There is not a single scientific discipline available that will
prove the theory of evolution `true`. On the contrary, the opposite is
true. When studied, the theory of evolution crumbles as the laws of our
world come into play.

The simplest conceivable life form has about 600 protein molecules.
The chance that even a SINGLE molecule could form by chance arrangement
of the sequence of the amino acids in it would be between 10^450 and
10^600, depending on whose data you study.
How many INCHES LONG do you suppose it is from one end of the
universe to the other, at least with our present astronomical knowledge?
Can you guess? It is about 10^28! That seems a small number, but consider
that the distance is in INCHES. And to form ONE molecule the
probabilities are from 10^450 to 10^600? How outrageous does the data
have to get before it becomes laughable? Remember that the theory of
evolution says that this happened not once, but again and again and
It seems apparent to me that we are dealing not only with a
ridiculous theory, but with a sick theory, an ignorant theory that has
been hammered into the public's mind with a religious zeal. What else can
you call it?
Most of the believers of the theory of evolution probably really
believe that the theory of evolution is an established `fact`. But where
did they acquire their `knowledge`? From their educational
establishments. They learned a deception from men who have been deceived

"Evolution is a theory fully accepted
not because it can be proven by
biological coherent evidence, but
because the only alternative, special
creation, is clearly incredible."

- D. S. Watson

To me, it's the theory of evolution that's incredible. The evidence
of creationism is clear. The parts all fit. The creationist has no
problem with the evidence. One explanation explains everything. The
theory of evolution explains nothing.

"I think we must admit that the only
acceptable explanation is creation.
I know that this is anathema to
physicists, as it is to me; but we
must not reject a theory that we do
not like if the experimental
evidence supports it."

- Professor H.J. Lipscomb
Physics Bulletin, 1980

Now this professor is an advocate of the theory of evolution. He is
also a rare individual; not many scientists would have the courage to
make this damning statement. He is also stating that the theory of
evolution is anathema to the laws of physics.

We will now conclude this lecture. As a last subject, we will
discuss not the theory of evolution, but rather WHAT EFFECT the theory of
evolution has on our thinking processes. I speak of us as individual
human beings, each of us with the power to make decisions and to
interpret the evidence before our eyes. What does belief in the theory of
evolution cause us to think, and what does the theory of evolution cause
us to do?
I will now quote from Doctor Henry Morris` book, "The Twilight of
Evolution". This book contains a statement from Thomas Huxley, one of the
greatest advocates of the theory of evolution ever:

"Furthermore, with the adoption of the evolutionary
approach in non-biological fields, from cosmology to
human affairs, we are beginning to realize that
biological evolution is only one aspect of evolution
in general. Evolution, in the extended sense can
be defined as a directional and an essentially
irreversible process occurring in time which in
course gives rise to an increase of variety and
an increasingly high level of organization in its
believers. Our present knowledge indeed forces us to
view that the whole of reality is evolution,
a single process of transformation."

I believe that you can feel the religious overtones in that
statement concerning the theory of evolution. You can also see that
someone who has preached it with the great zeal of this man has had his
entire comprehension of the universe altered. It is more than a `science`
to this man, it is his religion. It has permeated his entire personality,
under the guise of `intelligence`.

With that statement, we will close. Thank you for your time."

Evolution: The Big Hoax!

Charles Darwin Was a Massive Satanic Fraud

Romans 1:22-23, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”

Freemasonry is the first place where the diligent student of history should start when researching the roots of today's social chaos, the bogus lies of evolution, pseudo-Christian false religions, the fraudulent Federal Reserve System, U.S. economic woes, widespread legal injustice, controlled mainstream newsmedia, hi-jacking of The White House, the corrupting of our youth through immoral media and other blatant evils.

Colossians 2:8-9, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”

Freemasons are the custodial architects of the now forming world government, aka, the the New World Order (NWO). This satanic plot for world domination has existed since the beginning of time, when Satan attempted to unite men against God at the city and tower of Babel, but God hindered them until modern times (Genesis 11:7-9). Here's an excellent 56 minute MP3 history of the NWO.

It was during the mid 19th century that Freemasons and other Luciferian-worshipping occult groups launched a full-scale effort to infiltrate, divide and conquer numerous influential institutions (such as the banks, churches, government and schools) for the sake of working generationally toward creating world government. If you'll keep this foundational truth in mind as you study American history and search for the truth, you'll not be led astray. In this particular article I want to focus on the infamous father of evolution, Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who in 1859 wrote his occult-inspired work, On The Origin Of Species.

Darwinism is an Illuminati Scam
by James Perloff ( | August 6, 2013

"We are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories... Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism." (Protocols 2:2-3)

The Illuminati have long known that if you destroy belief in God, people will cease to fear God and to obey the Ten Commandments. They then become pawns of the Illuminati, willing to serve money instead of principle, and carry out iniquities from sexual misdeeds to even murder.

In the Illuminati propaganda arsenal, the greatest tool for destroying faith in God has been Darwin's theory of evolution. I know some say "I believe in evolution and God." Nonetheless, countless people have become atheists from being taught the theory as "fact" - I was once one of them.

However, Darwinism cannot be challenged on morals alone. The public has been told evolution is "science," on a footing with physics and chemistry. Therefore Darwinism must be challenged on scientific grounds.

As author of two books on Darwin's spurious theory, I know one cannot discredit, in a few paragraphs, an idea which the Illuminati have spent millions to indoctrinate society with. But let's dent it, shall we?

...But take evolutionary claims. Darwin said we lost our body hair because our apelike ancestors preferred mates with less hair. How do you disprove that? How do you disprove that "Lucy" (fossil bones found in Africa) was our ancestor? Laws of physics and chemistry can be tested in present time. Evolution, however, mostly constitutes opinions about the past, and one cannot test the past with the same authority as the present.

READ MORE: Darwinism is an Illuminati Scam

Charles Darwin was a high-level Freemason and Luciferian-worshipper. Darwin's theories on evolution were nothing more than fraudulent so-called “scholarship” intended to form the basis for dehumanizing mankind in order to murder millions. In 1775, The Order Of The Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), revealed a blueprint for world government. In order to succeed, a sinister ideal was required to reduce humans to the level of cattle to be slaughtered. The infamous father of 20th century communism, Karl Marx (1818-1883), published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, which reiterated Weishaupt's blueprint for world government.

Tragically, it was Darwin's very philosophies that would consequently inspire the brutal murder of 100,000,000 people during the 20th century. Monstrous dictators: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and PolPot were all devout followers of Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories, because they lowered human beings to the mere level of animals to be taken and destroyed on a whim. You've absolutely got to watch the following 2:08 hour full-length documentary film about Lenin, Stalin, Mao and PolPot...

The Bloody History Of Communism (a full-length 2:08 hour film of shocking brutality & senseless killing in the name of Darwinism)

The Coming “Cultural Revolution” (Illuminati's Communist plot thrives in an immoral society!!!)

I feel sorry for young people today who are deliberately misled in history class, brainwashed with lying propaganda. The Soviet Union was a Marxist-Leninist state between 1922 and 1991, headquarter in Moscow. What you'll never learn in a social studies class is that the Zionist-led Wall Street gang in the United States, the Illuminati if you please, financed and recruited Vladimir Lenin as their puppet. Literally, Wall Street were the ones who started and financed the Russian Revolution. If you'd like to learn much more truthful history, please read the book, “WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION” by Antony C. Sutton. Please read chapter four titled, “Wall Street And World Revolution.” For a broader big picture of the evil International Banking Cartel's plot for world government, and how they started and financed every major war since the U.S. Revolutionary War in 1775, please read the book, “PAWNS IN THE GAME,” by William Guy Carr.

Darwinism is the Satanic Ideal Behind Abortion

You know, every blood-thirsty war, the abortion industry, genocide, eugenics and mass-murdering psychopath dictators, all began with a peaceful ideal. Darwinism's Godless philosophies were expressed through peaceful books, mere words penned on paper. Yet, when adopted by a living monster, like Russian dictator Joseph Stalin, 60 million innocent people were murdered between 1930-1950 in the Russian Gulags (work camps were millions were sent to labour under brutal conditions to build Stalin's numerous projects).

The ruthless Soviet Union of Russia was one of the most feared tormentors and killers of people in history. Yet, according to statistics, there are 117,000,000 missing persons in the U.S. today because of abortion (more than all the innocent people brutally murdered by the Soviet Union)...

The first step is to figure out the population loss due to abortion in America. Within pro-life circles we often hear a number of around 50 million aborted. This number is a significant undercount. A large reason for this undercount is because this total includes only those abortions after Roe v. Wade (abortion did not just magically begin in 1973). How many were aborted before the Roe decision? According to the very arguments presented by pro-abortion activists in favor of the Roe decision, there were as many as 1.2 million abortions annually in the 1950s and 1960s.

A true analysis of the population loss due to abortion would also require a consideration of not just those aborted, but also the children (and grandchildren) that would have been born to those aborted. To figure the total American population loss due to abortion I start my analysis in 1950, roughly at the beginning of the Baby Boom. I take the cumulative number of abortions each year and appropriately control for the respective annual birth rates, infant mortality rates, and general mortality rates. The verdict, as of 2010, America has sustained a population loss of at least 117 million persons due to abortion. This is roughly a third of our population.

SOURCE: It’s the economy.... | Bound4LIFE

We are so blessed to live in a free country today in the United States; but we are quickly losing our liberties due to our wickedness—turning away from God, forsaking the Bible, hurting each other, and indulging in every form of idolatry, sexual immorality, perversion, dishonesty and vice. People just don't genuinely care about others much these days. What do you expect in a society that has murdered over 117,000,000 of its own precious children by abortion!!! Nobody hardly flinches anymore over the evils of abortion. Our society has become numb to the killings, accepting abortion quietly, feeling like it's a losing battle to fight anymore.

May I say, our rescue efforts should be to reach young women before they have an abortion; to lovingly offer them alternative solutions such as adoption, and to inform them of the numerous serious risks and dangers of abortion that Planned Parenthood will never tell you. Ozzy Osbourne's wife, Sharon, attributes two miscarriages to her abortion (that she felt forced into by her mother) at age seventeen. I commend Sharon for being honest. We'll never see Roe Vs. Wade overturned in this hellhole society, but we most definitely can help convince several thousand mothers not to let some Nazi-minded, Stalin-oriented, Mao-supporting, psychopath doctor butcher her precious and growing baby!!! Once that baby is out of your womb and in your arms as a new mom, you're going to cry to God in gratitude for a healthy baby, and rejoice greatly that someone cared enough to tell you the truth.

You must understand that the the ideals of Darwinism, natural selection and evolution can only exist apart from faith in God and the Holy Scriptures. The Bible reveals that God lovingly created mankind in His own very image, as the object of God's redeeming unconditional love, Who sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to die on the cross for our sins. Evolution is atheistic in nature. All of history's most ruthless mass-murdering dictators were atheists. Without God men can only become monsters!

Liberty and Freedom Are Rooted in Faith in God

A college student once wrote to me years back and was given an assignment by her professor to explain the philosophy behind America's freedoms. She said that while in class, her heathen teacher said that God had nothing to do with our liberties. The student didn't know how faith in God related to our freedoms, so she asked me. I was glad to explain to her that faith in God means faith in a divine Lawgiver and Judge. It means faith that we were all created by God and that we must stand before Him one day in eternity and give account of our self. Hence, it is our faith in God that compels us to live morally upright lives, and to love our neighbours as our self, treating others the way we want to be treated, and obeying our Creator, knowing that the eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the good and the evil. Proverbs 15:3, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”

Without faith in God man becomes his own God. This is the sin of idolatry, which means, putting something or someone else before God in our life. Without God and His Words (the Holy Bible) by which all men are commanded to live by, then man decides for himself what is good or evil (which is what got Adam and Eve into trouble). God decides what is good or evil, not me or you. Since mankind is always changing, prone to evil because of our inherent sinful nature, man's moral code of conduct is always deteriorating. This is why America is slowly but surely going down into the pits of Hell morally. Hollywood, television and the music industries are continually waxing worse-and-worse with evil. Everything is so sick and perverted these days.

I was taking a walk yesterday in a public park and heard loud music (noise) playing which repeatedly said, “Make your booty shake! Make your booty shake!” There were families and little children hearing that garbage. Sadly, such music is now commonly accepted in American culture. Everywhere we go in public nowadays, people are covered in tattoos. My how times are changing for the stranger. Youth these days do not respect their elders. We're living in a society of punks, whores and heathens. The Word of God is scoffed. The holy name of Jesus is repeatedly cursed. Nothing is held sacred anymore, including neither the bed nor one's marriage vows. People lie, cheat and steal without hesitation, having no conscience on the matter. Woe unto America!

Only in a sensible society which esteems faith in God as a good thing, and submits to God's authority in the Holy Scriptures, can there be any genuine liberty and freedom. Men who will not by governed by God will be ruled by tyrants. The United States has succumbed to tyrants in The White House and other top government departments; such as, the Pentagon, FEMA, NSA, FBI and the Justice Department. It's all corrupted now. Yet, the average American still doesn't realize that we only have as much freedom these days as the Illuminati allow us to have. Once they confiscate our guns, and it's just a matter of time, then every American will begin to grasp the horrifying reality that the Communist brutalities of Lenin, Stalin and Mao is still alive and well in the world.

Private gun ownership is the only thing keeping all those seemingly peaceful tyrannical ideologies (and seemingly dormant treasonous U.S. laws) on paper from becoming a hellish living reality in the life of every American man, woman and child!!! Read Isaiah chapter one for a striking comparison of Old Testament rebellious Israel to the United States today. Americans are partying in sin, thinking that God doesn't exist or else doesn't really care enough to do something about it. Our day of reckoning as a rebellious nation is soon coming!!! God will not be mocked.


Charles Darwin Was a Massive Satanic Fraud.

Charles Darwin Was a Luciferian-Worshipping Occultist

History is shocking! Truly, the truth is always stranger than fiction. You couldn't make this stuff up...

THE MASONIC THEORY OF THE ORIGINS OF LIFE – The hidden link between Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche & Hitler

Those generally thought to be the founders of the theory of evolution are the French biologist Jean Lamarck and the English biologist Charles Darwin. According to the classic story, Lamarck first proposed the theory of evolution, but he made the mistake of basing it on the “inheritance of acquired traits.” Later, Darwin proposed a second theory based on natural selection.

Though, here we must mention the name of another theoretician who played an important role in the origins of the theory of evolution: Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin’s grandfather.

Erasmus Darwin was a Mason. Though, Erasmus Darwin was no ordinary Mason, he was one of the highest ranking masters in the organization; a 33rd Degree Mason.

He was the master of the famous Canon-gate lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland. Moreover, he had close ties with the Jacobin Masons who were the organizers of the revolution in France at the time, and with the Illuminati, whose prime cause was fostering hostility to religion. That is, Erasmus Darwin was an important name in European Masonic anti-religious organizations.

Erasmus educated his son Robert (Charles Darwin’s father), who too had been and made a member of the Masonic lodge. For this reason, Charles Darwin received the inheritance of Masonic teachings from both his father and his grandfather.

Erasmus Darwin hoped to have his son Robert develop and publish his theory, but it would be his grandson Charles who would undertake the enterprise. Although it came some time later, Erasmus Darwin’s Temple of Nature was finally revised by Charles Darwin. Darwin’s views did not have the weight of a scientific theory; it was merely the expression of a naturalist doctrine that accepts that nature has creative power.

The fundamental philosophy of freemasonry is based on Darwinism. That is because, though having no scientific aspect whatsoever, Darwinism is a fake ideology with a scientific guise propounded solely to make the mainstays of freemasonry (atheism, aimlessness, wars and degeneration) legitimate.

The Mason Magazine [printed in Turkey by the freemasons] explains why they support evolution theory as follows:

Darwin’s evolution theory showed that many events in the nature are not the work of God. Freemasons try to impose Darwinism as a scientific theory. Darwinism is used as a tool to pave the way for the atheist Masonic powers to spread their deviant belief system. Therefore masons adopt the propagation of this theory as one of their primary duties.

Mason Magazine refers to this “masonic duty” as below:

The greatest humane and Masonic duty we all own is to hold on to the positive science, to spread this belief among people and educate them with positive science [Darwinism] by adopting the view that this is the best and only way in evolution. An important example which proves the fact that Darwinism is one of the biggest deceptions of freemasonry is a resolution carried out in a mason meeting. The 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry at Paris, reveals in its minutes its promotion of evolution as science, while they themselves scoffed at the theory.

The minutes read as follows:

“It is with this object in view [scientific theory of evolution] that we are constantly by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism...”

Masons openly admit that they will use the scientists and media which are under their control to present this deception as scientific, which even they find funny. When freemasons talk about the successes they arranged for Darwinism, they actually refer to infiltrating a deception into universities, schools, text books, into most of the mass media as a scientific truth, squelching the ones who have anti-Darwinist views, and hindering anti-Darwinist activities by oppression.

By means of Darwinism, it was, of course, not difficult for freemasonry to cause outbreak of hostilities, to commit mass murders, genocide and racism. Freemasonry drifted the world into a horrible disaster by means of various senior freemasons, by making Darwinist ideology a basis to its objectives, and by brainwashing methods. This horrible plot caused more than 350 million lives. They experienced the destruction of two world wars without understanding what was going on.

In The Secret Cult of the Order, Antony Sutton states: ‘Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots in Hegel. It is here that one arrives at the Hegelian nexus where Darwin, Marx, and Hitler intersect. Recall that Nietzsche-ism, Darwinism and Marxism were all mentioned together in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion. This was no accident. Nazism (a variant of fascism) sprung from Nietzsche-ism. Communism sprung from Marxism. Both were based upon Hegelian principles. Moreover, both were ‘scientific dictatorships’ legitimized by the ‘science’ of Darwinism.

The interest of both Hitler and Marx in Darwinian evolution is a matter of history. While he was living in London, Karl Marx attended lectures on evolutionary theory delivered by T.H. Huxley.

Recognizing the odd synchronicity between the communist concept of class war and the Darwinian principle of natural selection, Marx sent Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873. Enamored of evolution, Marx asked Darwin the permission to dedicate his next volume to him...

However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left ... while the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin’s theory of evolution.

In fact, in Evolution and Ethics, Keith candidly stated: ‘The German Fuhrer (Hitler) as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution’ (Keith, Evolution and Ethics, 230)

In both the case of communism and Nazism, the results were enormous bloodbaths. This is the natural consequence of Darwinian thinking and the legacy of the ‘scientific dictatorship.’

In applying the ideas of Darwin, both communists and fascists have murdered millions. Both of these groups find their origins in the elite (the Illuminati), who are still pursuing the same objectives today. According to the Darwinian mantra of ‘survival of the fittest,’ victory will demand bloodshed...

Atheistic freemasonry infiltrated to masses under the appearance of Darwinism and led millions of people to be murdered. This system of Satan himself ruined nations and became the primary perpetrator of massacres against believers. The methods of this system has always been tried to be shown as reasonable and thought to be shown to have a scientific base under the veil of evolution. The fact is however, apart from being bereft of a single scientific proof, every scientific evidence once again demolishes this theory. The fact that Darwinism is a great deception is a certified, proven fact.

SOURCE: (website no longer exists)


The God of Freemasonry is lucifer, stated in book Morals and Dogma, written by 33rd degree mason Albert Pike. References to lucifer may not appear past editions after 1947, that is why original editions are preferred.

Freemasonry is not the seemingly noble, innocent and uninvolved group which they appear to be. Appearance can be very deceiving. Satan himself appears as Christ, and his sinister ministers as preachers (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Charles Darwin didn't sincerely develop his theories on evolution; but rather, he was a puppet of the Illuminati, a face to put on every child's classroom wall, who was used to promote cleverly devised ideologies which would fuel the evil world of eugenics, genocide, sterilization, abortion, mass-murdering dictators and the death of 100,000,000 innocent human lives. As you have learned, anything can be justified; but only if you're willing to totally disregard the inspired holy Words of God almighty!!!

Interestingly, Adolf Hitler professed to be a Christian publicly, which he clearly was not. Hitler was heavily involved in Satan worship and the occult. The motivation for Communism's mass-murdering machine was always fueled by Charles Darwin's On The Origin Of Species (which is a blatant denial of Biblical creation and the Creator). Man did not evolve from ape-like creatures. Darwin's theories, if you study them, are insanely ridiculous. Darwin claims that apes lost their hair because men preferred non-hairy mates. Science disproves all of Darwin's bizarre unscientific claims!!! Only a fool would choose Darwin's ridiculous claims over the inspired Words of God. Man's wisdom is foolishness to God. 1st Corinthians 1:21, “For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”

If you haven't watched the following 2:08 hour documentary yet, please do so: The Bloody History Of Communism. The common denominator between mass-murderers Margaret Sanger, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung was a devotion to Charles Darwin's teachings on Natural Selection (aka, the survival of the fittest garbage). Whereas the heathen world teaches dog-eat-dog and every man for himself, the merciful God of the Holy Bible teaches, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Leviticus 19:18).

1st Kings 21:20, “...thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.”

Idiot Scientists: Professing Themselves To Be Wise!
(True science never contradicts the Bible!!!) ( for a lot of banned and censored truth as well)

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