I want every opinion if all want a prize tournament or not. The prize may probably be a few courses by grandmasters. NOTE: some people may already have the courses or access to the website so in that case they may be rewarded a follower as a prize.
@wannabegmonce your opinion?
Ok make a prize arena
ok sure
@aquablaze47 your opinion?
@chessalpha18 said in #1:
> I want every opinion if all want a prize tournament or not. The prize may probably be a few courses by grandmasters. NOTE: some people may already have the courses or access to the website so in that case they may be rewarded a follower as a prize.
arena plz
> I want every opinion if all want a prize tournament or not. The prize may probably be a few courses by grandmasters. NOTE: some people may already have the courses or access to the website so in that case they may be rewarded a follower as a prize.
arena plz
Ok I will do that
make tournament swiss/arena
your choice
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