
Horsey of the Month #1 (our first horsey of the month!)

Hi everyone!
It's August and as promised, we will have our first horsey of the month!
So show your talents and imagination/creativity etc...
And as always good luck, the best horsey in this topic will be selected as horsey of the month!

Couple of rules you need to know before posting your horsey:
1. Do not post a horsey that you already posted in a previous thread, make something new
2. Do not take horseys from others or take the horseys that are already made and posting it as your own
3. Do not post spam, like spamming messages, images, or just general spam.

But as always, remember to have fun! :)
<Comment deleted by user>
And don't say i submitted this horsey before, On the week 6 please ignore it.

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