
HWC 2021 Conclusion

We have a new Horde World Champion!
@Sinamon73 managed to take down the previous World Champion @mindhunter0101 in a thrilling match, winning 11-7.
After beating RayHolt (8-6) and Stubenfisch (6-1 and 6-4) in the elimination stages, Sinamon73 went on to challenge and beat mindhunter0101 in the grand final.

Congratulations to Sinmon73 for winning the 2021 HWC!

Also, as always, a big thank you to Sinamon73 for organizing most of the HWC.

Thanks alot for everyone else who played or participated in any shape or form in this HWC you are great!
We hope to see you in the next year's edition of the HWC!

Till then take care, stay safe and happy holidays!

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