
BHC 2021 Pairings and Results

@Vikram_Chess_Youtube and @Dangerouskid, your match has been scheduled for June 24th at 16:00 UTC.

@yuuki-asuna and @JacobDK, your match has been scheduled for June 24th at 17:00 UTC.

These times are not negotiable, but you can still agree on a different time with your opponent as long as it's before June 24th at 23:59 UTC.

Not showing up to your match within 15 minutes of the scheduled time results in a forfeit.
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@JacobDK He forfeited in my match with him. Perhaps he left the tournament to its entirety? He did mention something about being on vacation though, but I doubt it would extend this long.
Of course I have no say in this tournament's outcomes beyond my results with my respective opponents and stuff like that, but I don't see how a draw result can be possible. It is double elimination, so somebody has to go. Secondly, it is first to 10.5+

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