
Opening names visible at all times in analysis board

Keeps opening names visible at all times in analysis board by Unknown (Can't find OP):

.opening_box {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
I don't think this needs to be bumped, can probably be archived since it is a complete project.
I would actually have a request of my own from that. i know the selectors. should i present my problem here, new thread or in the inbox.

1) basically it would be to make the opening explorer header always visible (i already made my own userstyle combining with this one here, not optimal, there is still the burger icon that gets lost).

2) but i have been procrastinating transforming my overrides (basically commenting out the selectors) in order to have full length view of the move list, and or (these could be independent) the opening explorer. since i don't have a vertical constraint really.

it is all about visibility of the information as move lines grow.... I rely on your point of view here.
Thanks for this, I always had to scroll to see the opening name in analysis board..

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