
Registration for Season 8 of Crazyhouse Team League is open!

Registration for Season 8 of Crazyhouse Team League is now open! It is a spin-off of the famous Lichess4545League organized on Slack. Please register by Sunday to participate.

The time control in the league is 5+5 for board 1, 6+6 for board 2, 7+7 for board 3 and so on. Each match consists of 2 games against your corresponding board opponent (B1 v B1, B2 v B2 etc). Round 1 will begin on June 29th. Regular players will arrange one match per week.

Season 7 there were 56 players rated between 2600 and 1300. Some of the top names were @JKtheBullfrog, @Mugwort, @RapidVariants, and @gsvc. Season 7 rosters:

When registering, you will be asked to input your name on lichess, and then taken to a form where you need to fill out some details ending with the weeks when you are available. Register here:

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