Dear Classical chess friends,
Introducing "SRT 2025 (Slow Rapid Tour)"
This is an individual and team championship at the same time.
Time control is 8m+25s
You won’t find this unique time control elsewhere at arena team battles.
The 25 seconds increment gives the games a better quality.
Still the games are not longer than the more usual Rapid 15+10.
All games and points count.
There will be a total of 10 rounds, always on the 4th Saturday of the month.
We’re using the progressive points system.
The Top 10 get points.
The winner of Round 1 gets 10 points, the 2nd 9 and so on.
The winner of Round 2 gets 20 points, the 2nd 18 and so on.
Team and player with the most points after 10 Rounds are the champions.
The one with more wins is the champion in case a tie-break is needed.
Introducing "SRT 2025 (Slow Rapid Tour)"
This is an individual and team championship at the same time.
Time control is 8m+25s
You won’t find this unique time control elsewhere at arena team battles.
The 25 seconds increment gives the games a better quality.
Still the games are not longer than the more usual Rapid 15+10.
All games and points count.
There will be a total of 10 rounds, always on the 4th Saturday of the month.
We’re using the progressive points system.
The Top 10 get points.
The winner of Round 1 gets 10 points, the 2nd 9 and so on.
The winner of Round 2 gets 20 points, the 2nd 18 and so on.
Team and player with the most points after 10 Rounds are the champions.
The one with more wins is the champion in case a tie-break is needed.