
srt 2025

Dear Classical chess friends,

Introducing "SRT 2025 (Slow Rapid Tour)"
This is an individual and team championship at the same time.

Time control is 8m+25s

You won’t find this unique time control elsewhere at arena team battles.
The 25 seconds increment gives the games a better quality.
Still the games are not longer than the more usual Rapid 15+10.

All games and points count.
There will be a total of 10 rounds, always on the 4th Saturday of the month.

We’re using the progressive points system.
The Top 10 get points.
The winner of Round 1 gets 10 points, the 2nd 9 and so on.
The winner of Round 2 gets 20 points, the 2nd 18 and so on.

Team and player with the most points after 10 Rounds are the champions.
The one with more wins is the champion in case a tie-break is needed.
Dear CCL members,
It was a great party with 113 participants:

It was a thrilling fight up to the end.
The great winner is Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team, congratulations!
Chess Jaalakam is the runner up only few points behind, congratulations!
Todo Mundo finished in 3rd rank, congratulations!

1 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 165 10 PTS.
2 Chess Jaalakam 160 9 Pts.
3 Todo Mundo 81 8 Pts.
4 90m+30s 71 7 Pts.
5 Lance5500 Chess Coach 33 6 Pts.
6 Chess hummer 25 5 Pts.
7 Club Virsan 12 4 Pts.
8 C3 – Classical Chess Club 12 3 Pts.
9 Sniper Jr. 9 2 Pts.
10 Fight for Win 6 1 Pts.

Individually a tie-break was needed to separate 1st and 2nd place!
Congratulations to both players!

1 QuangNghiBDUer 2145 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 44 10 Pts.
2 dPawnAfterDentist 2262 90m+30s 44 9 Pts.
3 Abyjith 2287 Chess Jaalakam 34 8 Pts.
4 MangakaChess 1812 Lance5500 Chess Coach 29 7 Pts.
5 heavenly_grace 2055 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 28 6 Pts.
6 SKAadhav000 1810 Chess Jaalakam 28 5 Pts.
7 KTTL_NgDucKhai2014 2067? Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 24 4 Pts.
8 amanlikekennyken 1813 Todo Mundo 24 3 Pts.
9 test_acc123 2080 Chess hummer 21 2 Pts.
10 tuccau1803 2192 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 20 1 Pts.

The next Round will take place in a month.
SRT Round 2 Saturday February 22:

Don’t forget CICL on Tuesday!
CICL 6 Round 4 January 28:

Have a nice Sunday.

Kurt and Chien
Dear CCL members,
A big crowd of 168 players enjoyed Round 2 of the SRT 2025:

Senioren & Schnellschach is the brilliant winner, followed by Chess Jaalakam in 2nd and 90m+30s in 3rd rank, congratulations!

The individual champion is Vodka-For-All, Followed by FM ruckzuck and Moeckelbaeck, congratulations!

Standings after Round 2 of 10:
1 Chess Jaalakam (9+18) 27
2 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team (10+14) 24
3 90m+30s (7+16) 23
4 Todo Mundo (8+12) 20
4 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringesenioren (20) 20
6 Царское Село (10) 10
7 Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga (8) 8
8 Lance5500 Chess Coach(6) 6
8 Classical Winnersclassical-winners (6) 6
10 Chess hummer (5) 5
11 Club Virsan (4) 4
11 Indicheck _huindicheck-_hu (4) 4
13 C3 – Classical Chess Club (3) 3
14 rapid 8+0rapid-80 (2) 2
14 Sniper Jr. (2) 2
16 Fight for Win (1) 1

Round 2:
1 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringesenioren 159 20
2 Chess Jaalakamchess-jaalakam 78 18
3 90m+30s90m30s 69 16
4 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 40 14
5 Todo Mundo 34 12
6 Царское Село 25 10
7 Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga 16 8
8 Classical Winnersclassical-winners 16 6
9 Indicheck _huindicheck-_hu 16 4
10 rapid 8+0rapid-80 14 2

Standings after Round 2 of 10:
1 dPawnAfterDentist 2262 90m+30s (9+14) 23
2 Vodka-For-All 2311 90m+30s (20) 20
3 FM ruckzuck 2359 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe (18) 18
4 Moeckelbaeck 2172 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/T. (16) 16
5 springer2019 2062 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe (12) 12
6 QuangNghiBDUer 2145 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team 10
6 SArfTm 1746 Chess Jaalakam (10) 10
8 Abyjith 2287 Chess Jaalakam (8)8
8 Omar022 1315 Indicheck _hu (8) 8
10 MangakaChess 1812 Lance5500 Chess Coach (7) 7
11 heavenly_grace 2055 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team (6) 6
11 Kurt_rohrer56 1832 Todo Mundo (6) 6
13 SKAadhav000 1810 Chess Jaalakam (5) 5
14 KTTL_NgDucKhai2014 2067? Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team (4) 4
14 neon777879 2109 Царское Село (4) 4
16 amanlikekennyken 1813 Todo Mundo (3) 3
17 bagratuni242ayas 1688 Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung (2) 2
17 test_acc123 2080 Chess hummer (2) 2
19 tuccau1803 2192 Young Wisdom - Binh Duong Chess Team (1) 1

Round 2:
1 Vodka-For-All 2311 90m+30s 38 20
2 FM ruckzuck 2359 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe 32 18
3 Moeckelbaeck 2172 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe 27 16
4 dPawnAfterDentist 2229 90m+30s 24 14
5 springer2019 2062 Senioren & Schnellschach Hochfranken/Bayern/Sachsen/Thüringe 22 12
6 SArfTm 1746 Chess Jaalakam 16 10
7 Omar022 1315 Indicheck _hu 16 8
8 Kurt_rohrer56 1832 Todo Mundo 16 6
9 neon777879 2109 Царское Село 14 4
10 bagratuni242ayas 1688 Rochade Europa – Schachzeitung 13 2

SRT Round 3 Saturday March 22:

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