
cicl 4

Round-1 (Jul 02) just finished, with strong start, 154 participants.

72 players had made at least 1 pt score

18 players had full score (4 pt)

They are:

Lichess ID / Rating / Team
1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team
2 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club
3 destructor2011 / 2112 / Lightning's Flash Team
4 garputs / 1928 / Club Virsan
5 duisengali-1948 / 1492 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga
6 AlfaZeroInFlesh / 2066 / Fight for Win
7 LiC269 / 1900 / Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung
8 Maksonych1983 / 2025 / Царское Село
9 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s
10 BaoBoi2016 / 1572 / Chess Champions (Never Give Up)
11 Leader_070707 / 2346 / Chess Champions (Never Give Up)
12 Katinguele / 2017 / Lance5500 Chess Coach
13 wmakos / 1760 / Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club
14 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo
15 Vodka-For-All / 2240 90m+30s
16 ejdahamusa / 1616 / Chess Champions (Never Give Up)
17 PranavRamesh8 / 1945 / odo Mundo
18 Petr22222 / 1721 / C3 – Classical Chess Club

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-2) on Tue, Jul 09, at 13:00 UTC
Round-2 (Jul 09) just finished, with 131 participants.

111 players had made at least 1 pt score

Standing After Rd-2

3 players had maximum full score (total 8 pt)

They are:

1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 (8)
2 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 (8)
3 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 (8)

Rank 4-11 are:

4 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 4 3 (7)
5 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 (7)

6 garputs / 1928 / Club Virsan / 4 2 (6)
7 wmakos / 1760 / Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club / 4 2 (6)
8 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 (6)
9 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 (6)
10 vasudev9 / 2104 / Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung / 2 4 (6)
11 Marina_Il / 1706 / Царское Село / 2 4 (6)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-3) on Tue, Jul 16, at 13:00 UTC

**** BIG NEWS!! ***

We are excited to announce:
CCL World Championship!

Each cycle has 3 stages.
The top 8 ranks qualify for the Candidates.
CICL 4 is already counting.

2. Candidates
It is a single RR tournament.

3. Match for the title.
The Challenger (winner of candidates) vs reigning World Champion.

We hope you like this idea as much as we do.
It’s a similar format like the FIDE World Championship.
We will release the details in a special TM later this week.
Round-3 (Jul 16) just finished, with 150 participants.

68 players score at Rd-3
137 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-3)

1 players (@Kurt_rohrer56) had maximum full score (total 12 pt)

Top 12 players after Rd-3:

1 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 (12)
2 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 (11)
3 vasudev9 / 2104 / Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung / 2 4 4 (10)
4 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 (10)
5 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 (9)
6 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 (9)
7 Marina_Il / 1706 / Царское Село / 2 4 2 (8)
8 AlfaZeroInFlesh / 2066 / Fight for Win / 4 4 (8)
9 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 (8)
10 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 4 3 1 (8)
11 wmakos / 1760 / Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club / 4 2 2 (8)
12 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 (8)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-4) on Tue, Jul 23, at 13:00 UTC
Round-4 (Jul 23) just finished, with 142 participants.

54 players score at Rd-3
161 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-3)

It is highly tight competition at Top Rank 10, even at Top 20 - anyone still has chance

@Kurt_rohrer56 keep his leading position (1st)
followed tightly by @Dude128 and @penpalrdro at 2nd and 3rd

Top 10 players after Rd-4:

1 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 (15)
2 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 (14)
3 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 (12)
4 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 (11)
5 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 (11)
6 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 (11)
7 vasudev9 / 2104 / Rochade Europa - Schachzeitung / 2 4 4 (10)
8 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 1 (10)
9 Marina_Il / 1706 / Царское Село / 2 4 2 2 (10)
11 wmakos / 1760 / Club d'échecs de Hemmingford Chess Club / 4 2 2 2 (10)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-5) on Tue, Jul 30, at 13:00 UTC
Round-5 (Jul 30) just finished, with 156 participants.

68 players score at Rd-5
200 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-5)

It is highly tight competition at Top Rank 10, even at Top 20 - anyone still has chance

@Kurt_rohrer56 keep his leading position (1st)
followed tightly by @Dude128 at 2nd

Top 8 players after Rd-5:

1 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 4 (19)
2 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 4 (18)
3 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 3 (15)
4 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 4 (15)
5 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 3 (14)
6 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 1 4 (14)
7 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 2 (13)
8 VladimirZam / 2184 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 3 4 4 (13)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-6) on Tue, Aug 06, at 13:00 UTC

Today in the CICL the 2 players of an agreed draw after 9 moves got 0 points by the system.
We and they were unaware of such a rule.
So we decided to give both 1 point for the draw since we hadn’t explained this to you.

From now on though we will accept the result of the games the system gives us.
It’s too complicated to check all draws.
So please don’t offer or accept draws too early in the game.

* NOTE: this rule is applied in Arena automatically by system.
so please be aware also that this will be applied as well in CTCL
Round-6 (Aug 06) just finished, with 147 participants.

72 players score at Rd-6
235 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-6)

It is highly tight competition for qualifying Top 8 - anyone still has chance

@Dude128 and @Kurt_rohrer56 share leading position (1st-2nd)

Top 8 players after Rd-6:

1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 4 4 (22)
2 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 4 3 (22)
3 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 3 5 (19)
4 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 4 4 (19)
5 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 2 4 (17)
6 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 3 2 (16)
7 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 4 3 1 4 3 (15)
8 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 1 4 1 (15)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-7) on Tue, Aug 13, at 13:00 UTC
Round-7 (Aug 13) just finished, with 150 participants.

69 players score at Rd-7
262 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-7)

It is highly tight competition for qualifying Top 8 - player in Rank 9 - 14 still has chance

@Dude128 and @Kurt_rohrer56 keep leading position (shared 1st-2nd)

Top 8 players after Rd-7:
Lichess ID / Rating / Team / Score
1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 (25)
2 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 (25)
3 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 (21)
4 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 3 5 2 (21)
5 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 4 3 1 4 3 4 (19)
6 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 1 4 1 4 (19)
7 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 2 4 2 (19)
8 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 (18)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-8) on Tue, Aug 20, at 13:00 UTC
Round-8 (Aug 20) just finished, with 131 participants.

66 players score at Rd-8
285 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-8)

It is highly tight competition for qualifying Top 8
The players in Rank 9 - 11 still has chance to catch up in last 2 rounds.

@Dude128 at 1st rank and @Kurt_rohrer56 2nd rank

Top 8 players after Rd-8:
Lichess ID / Rating / Team / Score
1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 (29)
2 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 (28)
3 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 (24)
4 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 3 5 2 3 (24)
5 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 2 4 2 4 (23)
6 Orphan_X / 1877 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 4 3 1 4 3 4 2 (21)
7 Slackwyyrm / 2268 / Todo Mundo / 4 3 4 3 2 4 (20)
8 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 (20)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Next Round (Rd-9) on Tue, Aug 27, at 13:00 UTC
Round-9 (Aug 27) just finished, with 130 participants.

44 players score at Rd-9
296 players had made at least 1 pt score (from total rd 1-9)

It is tight competition for qualifying Top 8,
because the players in Rank 9 - 11 still has chance to catch up in last round.
As a Tie-break we use who scored more 4 points, than 3 points etc.
The lower rated gets the preference if it’s still equal.

@Dude128 at 1st rank and @Kurt_rohrer56 2nd rank

Top 8 players after Rd-9:
Lichess ID / Rating / Team / Score
1 Dude128 / 2032 / Lightning's Flash Team / 4 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 (33)
2 Kurt_rohrer56 / 1973 Todo Mundo / 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 (31)
3 Shomka1951 / 2003 / Chessmasterpro-Tatarstan-Elabuga / 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 4 (28)
4 penpalrdro / 1999 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 3 2 4 3 5 2 3 3 (27)
5 plato42k / 1991 / 90m+30s / 4 4 3 2 4 2 4 2 (25)
6 fafic / 2010 / C3 – Classical Chess Club / 3 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 (24)
7 Pskov-Rulit / 2179 / Царское Село / 3 4 2 1 4 1 4 4 (23)
8-9 Slackwyyrm / 2268 / Todo Mundo / 4 3 4 3 2 4 2 (22)
8-9 fhunfi / 2086 / 90m+30s / 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 (22)

For complete standing of all players
pls open Ms.Excel link:

Last Round (Rd-10) on Tue, Sep 03, at 13:00 UTC

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