
Leader election January 2022

Hi Team

We are having a leader election!

Here are the rules:

I will put another 5 posts in this forum and each will contain a lichess username. Those four usernames are the candidates of the Election for January 2022. Just click the thumbs up button FOR ONE candidate that you vote for. The Voting will end around the 20th of January.

NOte: not other icon other than thumbs up for your voted person.

NOTe: If you vote for more than 1 person, that vote will not count.

NOte: no rude things in the forum. Only questions
@Bhargava109 said in #7:
> What about me
> What is this
> I joined before RedDragon
> This Team is the Worst
#pls do not say this, you will get chance in future
I can handle it
fine it's your choice
You don't know how RedDragon21 really acts
So it's your mistake not mine

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