
Which time controls do you/BOTS prefer for the BOTS & Humans League?

As we already played one time Bullet, Blitz and Rapid now each, which time controls do you prefer (both from human and also from BOT perspective ) ?
3+2 maybe 1+1 1+2 .. 5+0
the shorter, the more reasonable both for people and shoes .. when there is little time, both shoes and people make mistakes .. and it is faster.
As for me 3+2 is great, 7+2 for rapid too, 5+0 too long, 3+0 a big chance to lose on time (I don't even talking about playing vs BOT)
If bullet needed too, then standard bullet (1+0), but for me no matter, because I don't play bullet, just saying for my team.
@jeffforever said in #1:
> As we already played one time Bullet, Blitz and Rapid now each, which time controls do you prefer (both from human and also from BOT perspective ) ?
1/2 min
Humans can have chancw as well as bot to not get draw
I prefer 1+1 most since we have blitz liga and rapis league but nothing for bullet.
i would like any time control as long as it doesn't have increments, because i think that bots have an advantage over humans when it comes to increments, especially when both players have low time, because bots usually wont play to much faster depending on the time and will not play bad moves depending on the time, especially if the know that when they will play there move they will get extra time. On the other hand, in the same scenario, a human will play a lot worse than ai with increment because they will be stressed and just try to get as much time as possible thx to the increments. Everything that i said is fully my opinion and I may be mistaken.
Time control, really does not matter in this moment

BOTS and Humans League 1 Team Battle
177 players
108 players scored any points
79 Humans

2nd BOTS and Humans League 1 Team Battle
131 player
84 players scored any points
47 Humans

I think, we all can see a short future !
I stand by my opinion. People have a chance only in classical chess. Illustrative examples are classic (the bot has 2 losses and 2 draws) and rapid (the same bot has only 1 draw). People have no chance in pool and blitz. Either rating restrictions should be introduced or only 1 bot should be allowed per team.

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