
Search "user:yojoey"

37 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Chess in Africa - CoaChess Startup from Tunisia#3

I love that this chess platform is African. I created an account and I played around a little bit on I think it is a great idea. I do not really study openings, as is evident from my gam…

Community Blog Discussions - The man who only played cheaters.#2

I am sorry that you were falsely accused, especially by a well-known person like GM Kamsky. Something needs to be done about the culture in chess to make public cheating accusations prohibited.

Community Blog Discussions - English Four Knights - a g5 idea!#2

Interesting idea. I play g4 from the white side occasionally in the English, so this idea appeals to me. It looks like a fun idea for blitz. Thanks!

Community Blog Discussions - Westernized Shogi set#2

I am thinking about learning Shogi. These pieces would help me remember the pieces, at least until i become more acquainted with the game. I hope websites would include your piece set as an option.

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#90

@cormacobear said in #90: I appreciate your response. I genuinely apologize if I came across harsh to you. That was not my intention. Again, I am sorry. Lichess is incredibly opaque for an open source…

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#88

@QueenRosieMary said in #87: > Some moderators are public on Lichess and some are not, you will not find a list of all of them. > > > Hovering over the badge (for example on cormacobear's profile) wit…

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#86

Thank you for the thoughtful response. @sgtlaugh said in #85: > You requested Lichess to address some of the concerns in #70. @cormacobear , who is a public moderator, replied in #71. You can see the …

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#83

@cormacobear said in #81: > In 4 or 5 years working for Lichess you're the first I've seen ask it be linked there. > > We will discuss and consider your suggestion. It seems likely we can put a link t…

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#80

Thank you @QueenRosieMary for your response. @QueenRosieMary said in #79: > Lichess is concerned about all kinds of misbehaviour including abuse and cheating, and you don't need to go to the "report p…

Community Blog Discussions - Should I report this?#77

@cormacobear said in #74: > i I do not think I was as clear as I could have been. It doesn't appear that Lichess is concerned about abusive behavior or cheating when the Report FAQ does not even link …
