
Should I report this?

@Geelse_zot said in #3:
> Good read. I like the active moderation. Never seems to take long until actions are taken on Lichess.
@cormacobear said in #71:
> We've responded to many questions sorry if I missed one. If you could point to it I'll try to answer. I've given up replying to Cedur. Nothing we do will be sufficient for him.

I didn’t receive a response from my concern raised on post 70.
the report page connects to report faq. so hit back page to get back to the report page or go to the users page and hit the report button. The devs don't like adding anything. More complexity equals more things to go wrong and more work when the code needs an overhaul.

If you haven't received a notification then in all probability there was insufficient evidence in our opinion to warrant them being marked. The notifications are automated. If you had a cheat report filed against a player when the user was marked those reporters receive a notification.
Lichess shouldn't have commented on Political activities around the world. After all, it's a chess site, not reddit
I still wonder if incentives for sandbagging/boosting could be better regulated somehow, for example by implementing Glicko-2 or Glicko-Boost the way Glickman himself suggests, with a proper rating deviation and a proper rating volatility:

> Every player in the Glicko-2 system has a rating, r, a rating deviation, RD, and a rating volatility σ.... To apply the rating algorithm, we treat a collection of games within a “rating period” to have occurred simultaneously.
@cormacobear said in #74:
> i
I do not think I was as clear as I could have been.

It doesn't appear that Lichess is concerned about abusive behavior or cheating when the Report FAQ does not even link to the Report page. What is the point of a Report FAQ that does not even help the user by linking to the Report page?

When I search for "Lichess Report" into a search engine, the page that shows up is the Report FAQ. I do not see the Report page in the search engine results. It feels like Lichess hides the report page to discourage people from making reports. If Lichess really cared about people reporting abusive behavior, they would make their report page easier to find. Case in point, the blog post, Should I report this,, links to the Report page, but the Report FAQs does not. There is not a link to the report page anywhere in the menu at the top of the page. It really isn't much of a Report FAQ if it does not even tell you where to go to make a report.

Lichess can say that takes abuse and cheating seriously, but as long as they continue to hide the Report page, the blog posts and other things are just performative and virtue signaling.

Also, I had hoped for a most substantive response to my concern that I have not been contacted by Lichess. It feels like my comments were dismissed without even addressing the substance of it,.

Lichess's blog post and response to it is disappointing.
> It feels like Lichess hides the report page to discourage people from making reports. If Lichess really cared about people reporting abusive behavior, they would make their report page easier to find.

despite all of my own disappointments, I think this "conclusion" is very far-fetched.
@yojoey said in #77:

> It doesn't appear that Lichess is concerned about abusive behavior or cheating when the Report FAQ does not even link to the Report page.

Lichess is concerned about all kinds of misbehaviour including abuse and cheating, and you don't need to go to the "report page" from a link to report someone. If you are in your inbox, there is a report triangle in the top right-hand corner which if you press will take you to the report form.

What is the point of a Report FAQ that does not even help the user by linking to the Report page?

You can also report forum posts by hovering over the offending post and a similar report triangle will appear that you can click on to report that forum post.

You can also report a user using the "hamburger" dropdown menu in their profile and "Report (user) to moderators" is the option at the bottom of the list.

> When I search for "Lichess Report" into a search engine, the page that shows up is the Report FAQ. I do not see the Report page in the search engine results. It feels like Lichess hides the report page to discourage people from making reports.

No, we do not "hide the page to discourage people from making reports."
The whole point of this blog is to both encourage appropriate reporting and to inform users of how to report and what options or reporting categories are available.

> If Lichess really cared about people reporting abusive behavior, they would make their report page easier to find. Case in point, the blog post, Should I report this,, links to the Report page, but the Report FAQs does not. There is not a link to the report page anywhere in the menu at the top of the page. It really isn't much of a Report FAQ if it does not even tell you where to go to make a report.
> Lichess can say that takes abuse and cheating seriously, but as long as they continue to hide the Report page, the blog posts and other things are just performative and virtue signaling.

The report feature is available in so many places (forum, user profiles, inbox, and also at that it should not be difficult to report someone.

> Also, I had hoped for a most substantive response to my concern that I have not been contacted by Lichess. It feels like my comments were dismissed without even addressing the substance of it,.
> Lichess's blog post and response to it is disappointing.

I hope this answers your questions. Please let me know if anything is still unclear.
Thank you @QueenRosieMary for your response.

@QueenRosieMary said in #79:
> Lichess is concerned about all kinds of misbehaviour including abuse and cheating, and you don't need to go to the "report page" from a link to report someone. If you are in your inbox, there is a report triangle in the top right-hand corner which if you press will take you to the report form.

I agree with this statement. In my original response to this blog post, number 70, I stated "I have received good results of reporting comments for moderation during large tournaments." I try to give credit, where credit is due.

> No, we do not "hide the page to discourage people from making reports."

I respectfully disagree. I support Lichess monetarily. I like Lichess and what it stands for. However, when the report page is not found by search engines, and the Report FAQ does not even link to the Report page, I do not think it is fair to say that Lichess makes it easy as possible to make reports. In fact, from a user perspective, it feels like it is hidden for me. I have personally struggled a few times to find the Report page on Lichess. It was only until I just learned the URL that I did not have that problem. That is not user friendly.

It appears that even putting a link in the Report FAQ to the Report page is too much to ask. In fact, I am linking to it again in this post. I never would have imagined that I would get this much pushback for simply pointing out that the Report page is not linked on the Report FAQ page, it is not indexed by search engines, and it is not predominantly available on the homepage, and that users like me have had to search for it previously.
In 4 or 5 years working for Lichess you're the first I've seen ask it be linked there.

We will discuss and consider your suggestion. It seems likely we can put a link there to the report page. We can't fix what google decides to show people when they search things.

The homepage is already very busy. Most users click on a comment, use the report on profile button, or just hover over the username to see a report button to open a report.