
Search "user:sjcjoosten"

18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to improve: Classical line of the Caro-Kann#6

@ChessMathNerd That's a very concrete plan that makes a lot of sense to me, thank you! @ryan121 I have looked at some, but I don't know what to look for: all I see is a sequence of moves. I fail to se…

General Chess Discussion - How to improve: Classical line of the Caro-Kann#1

I play really badly in the classical line of the Caro-Kann: FEN:rn1qkbnr/pp2pppp/2p3b1/8/3P4/6N1/PPP2PPP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 3 6 From this position, I have lost 68% of my games as black, and all four ga…

General Chess Discussion - Rules about insufficient material / flagging#1

I'm wondering about the various rules about insufficient material. Sometimes games just get aborted and a draw is called, I think that's fair. I also think it's fair that if one side has only a king a…

General Chess Discussion - The puzzle could have be better.#3

Probably because of the line 20...Qa1+21.Kc2Qxa2+22.Kc1Ba3#. This means there are two good responses after pawn-takes-knight. Lichess puzzles allow for different last moves if they all lead to checkma…

General Chess Discussion - I made my first puzzle, let me know what you think#9

#8 I need more help here, be5 and white promotes to a queen and you have to now give all checks in a row to make this work, or start defending against white moving the bishop... I fail to see mate in …

General Chess Discussion - I made my first puzzle, let me know what you think#7

@turtleleo77 I also believe there should be only one 'clearly best' move, not sure where you think that there's a better move to be made, but I checked with stockfish and all other moves are losing wi…

General Chess Discussion - Responding To Disrespect#15

I agree that P4wnQ was needlessly hostile, so yes you should ignore it. There is the view that offering a draw and/or pressuring your opponent is simply one of the possible moves when playing chess, t…

General Chess Discussion - I made my first puzzle, let me know what you think#1

Hi all, is this the right forum for this puzzle? (I'm thinking game analysis would be less appropriate.) I put 'puzzle' in the title so that hopefully peopl…
