
I made my first puzzle, let me know what you think

Hi all,

is this the right forum for this puzzle? (I'm thinking game analysis would be less appropriate.)
I put 'puzzle' in the title so that hopefully people who don't like puzzle's won't be bothered to click on it, but it would be nice to know if there are people that do appreciate it if I put puzzles on the forum.

good puzzle ,i found it challenging and enjoyable, lots of options (as of now im 1850 rapid and classical) and congrats on your win :)
thats good! i do believe however, puzzles can only have 1 winning move
correct me if im wrong

I also believe there should be only one 'clearly best' move, not sure where you think that there's a better move to be made, but I checked with stockfish and all other moves are losing with >+5 for white, with this one exception:
at some point in this puzzle stockfish gives two options (mate in 2 and mate in 4), but the mate in 4 version just leads back to the previous position - after two moves you are back where you are started. I think that counts as making the mate in 2 'clearly best'?
#7 idk if u have only 3 engine lines be5 is completely different and mate in 5.
#8 I need more help here, be5 and white promotes to a queen and you have to now give all checks in a row to make this work, or start defending against white moving the bishop... I fail to see mate in 5 for black, can you provide more details?
Hey there is a easy way to win....Thats the thing...

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