
Search "user:loverofvirtue"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Proposing a Takeback#14

You shouldn't turn off takebacks. What about misclicks? If someone obviously misclicks they can't ask for a takeback and then you are forced to play a stupid game. Just give takebacks when you want an…

General Chess Discussion - Is cheating increasing?#22

lol calm down

General Chess Discussion - Vote: How many points should this puzzle be worth?#2

one million

General Chess Discussion - Dlugy Issues a Lengthy Rebuttal That Is Less That Flattering to Danny Rensch#4

People will go after you if they think you are a jerk.

Off-Topic Discussion - Drawing in hope for Ukraine#7

It's a boy.

Off-Topic Discussion - The real reason: Russia Wants to Lock Ukraine Back in the Soviet Cellar#35

hey if we have to hear about nazis and fascists living in america every single day, it's only fair that we bring up the fact that they exist in ukraine too.

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess hosting antisemitic pro-war tournament#24

cryin' chuck!!! what a phony... You should have picked someone likable like seinfeld.

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess hosting antisemitic pro-war tournament#20

It's interesting when you have dissidents who are part of an ethnic minority. "go away" is understable, but it is also anti-democratic? no, that isn't it. what's the word I'm looking for?

General Chess Discussion - FIDE Will Investigate the Carlsen Accusations Against Niemann#53

You call them bullies. I call them leaders.

General Chess Discussion - The Rensch BS Is wearing Rather Thin#29

He's not trying to bully you. He just thinks his "brain" is bigger than yours. And you think your "brain" is bigger than his. So here we are.
