
Search "user:lepad"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I can't use up/down arrow keys to navigate through sub variations in studies.#8

@dboing said in #7: > how did you use to navigate using up and down.. would it change track.. my experience is that it would rewind completely, which can be done easily with mouse scroll wheel... unle…

Lichess Feedback - I can't use up/down arrow keys to navigate through sub variations in studies.#4

Wow. Thanks @bufferunderrun for the tip. Very hard to find. I tried tab but would have never thought of Shift. Not sure if that's the most discoverable (whereas up and down was super intuitive).

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board: show percentage of each move instead / on top of number of games#4

Yes, that's why I bumped this post, could not find a clear notion of where to discuss an idea or feature suggestion. I did not want to go and open a github issue right away :) Thanks a lot for your an…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board: show percentage of each move instead / on top of number of games#2

Nobody would be interested in this then? Or is it not the right place for feature suggestion?

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board: show percentage of each move instead / on top of number of games#1

Hey there, I hope it's the right place to suggest this. I love lichess analysis board feature, especially the moves list, which shows how many times a move has been played for a given position, and it…
