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22 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Beta app feedback#5

"Leave in" is not to be considered here. This is a new build from zero, rather than an update of the previous app. To my understanding the emphasis is on "lightweight" over features. I suggest keeping…

L1Chess Tools Users Team - New feature: image pasting in chat/forums#4 I like! I reckon the blue 3 = 3 friends playing? *edit - just trying it out!

Lichess Feedback - Draw Offer Notification Sound Option#3

I am curious, do you use the chessconnect app, to connect to Lichess?

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Lichess Feedback - “hand” shaped cursor#18

I love the hand, it makes sense to me. I would even like an option to increase it's size for a more OTB feel. But I mainly play classical, and what glbert said in #17 is true - for the "click two squa…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: puzzles of missed opportunities in own games#3 only work if there was puzzles created from that player's games. Rather do this: Go to one of the games in your profiles Request a computer analysis on it. Use the "Lear…

Lichess Feedback - Suggest: Touch-move#11

Rules and regs are always difficult to me to interpret, but in my perception drawing arrows is exactly the type of notes Fide prohibits

Lichess Feedback - Suggest: Touch-move#6

nadja Strange, when I look at your pop-up it shows "32,076 games 5 years ago" yet you have been active much more recently! #5 Stephen that was probably where I saw it - oh what a cruel joke that was, …

Lichess Feedback - Suggest: Touch-move#4

"Why break something that is working fine?" - Please don't :) It would have been nice to have the option to play touch-move like OTB. "Or touching accidentally on touch screen..." Granted - I don't se…

Lichess Feedback - Suggest: Touch-move#1

Suggestion: Maybe this was already suggested. I seldom have original ideas, but I can't find it in the forum. In addition to click to move and drag, add click-grab-click-drop. Once clicked, a piece wi…
