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8 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Post-Mortem of our Longest Downtime#4

Thanks for the detailed explanation, downtimes like this are bound to happen in any non-distributed system. It was not a human error, but a hardware failure. Most people have no idea how much money it…

Lichess Feedback - A Serious Security Hole On Lichess#5

If the malicious site requests credentials in CORS-preflight response, the browser will include cookies when performing the actual requests after the preflight. However, what @thibault said is true - …

Lichess Feedback - “Variation Arrows” Are Too Confusing and Should Be Disabled by Default IMO#1

I find variation arrows to be too complicated and confusing. I don't understand what all the colorful arrows mean and it throws off my focus when analyzing games. I know they are supposed to show vari…

Community Blog Discussions - Compressing Chess Moves Even Further, To 3.7 Bits Per Move#31

That's great stuff, but as far as I know, disk space is generally not a serious issue. Adding additional disk space to a server is relatively cheap. Is it worth compressing and decompressing notation/…

Community Blog Discussions - Why Losing At Chess Hurts So Much (And The Antidote)#30

That was a good read. I also like to think this way: if I learned something from my mistakes, I am a better player than I was before I played that game, even though I lost.

Community Blog Discussions - I believe in angels and I hope to inspire you...#13

this is just advertisement.

Lichess Feedback - I Nominate 19th Move as a 2400+ Puzzle#6

And I have seen much easier ones at 2400.

Lichess Feedback - I Nominate 19th Move as a 2400+ Puzzle#1 I missed it in the game.. Can you find Black's moves at 19? PS. I know puzzles can't be submitted, but still wanted to share this because I found it astonishing