
Search "user:Unthinkabl3"

354 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is happening to Kramnik? Arrogant? Disoriented?#11

@MrCharles Besides their comical voices (there are others besides Wesley So who have it) many of these players are socially awkward which makes their manner of speech and voice pitch even more hilario…

General Chess Discussion - Caruana, Kramnik and Mamedyarov victorious on first day in Berlin#7

@MrCharles "Sorry. I'm a fan of Aronian." - stopped reading there.

General Chess Discussion - Aggressive response to e4?#4

@the_loving_boy Did you even read the OP's post? lol

General Chess Discussion - Aggressive response to e4?#2

Have you considered Pirc or Scandinavian Defense? ...1 d6 and ...1 d5 vs. 1 e4

General Chess Discussion - Bill Wall's King's Gambit - 500 Miniatures#2

@DavyKOTWF Take a look:

Off-Topic Discussion - Petrosian#1

Off-Topic Discussion - The dangers of the internet and the disgusting "people" that are on it#11

@Klip98 For every condescending post you make with a win, I will post two showing you lose in horrific fashion; how is that for balance? Also, it is you who should stop speaking with me.

General Chess Discussion - Would players at the World Cup ever consider?#7

Cheating has already taken place at the World Cup. Most of you are too ignorant to realize what has happened.

Off-Topic Discussion - The dangers of the internet and the disgusting "people" that are on it#8

There is no attack. I'm just showing that you are not as good as you think you are; by producing some ridiculous losses that you have experienced, right out of the opening. I mean, you completely lose…

Off-Topic Discussion - The dangers of the internet and the disgusting "people" that are on it#6

Sorry that I damaged your ego/pride. I'm just trying to understand why someone would post brilliant win after brilliant win while using very unnecessary Forum titles for the posts, if not for inflatin…
