
Search "user:ThatShrannie"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Accelerated Panov Attack#1

I never heard of this opening untill i was messing around in the analysis board. Initially it looked weird but after some research it turned out to be legit and a rather good opening against the caro-…

General Chess Discussion - 1. A3, ... a Good opening?? ':)#8

I just enlarged the study containing G6 aswell with B6. G6 is responded with a reversed lasker simul special variation and b6 with a D4 and bishop G5. Thanks for pointing out G6 @Sarg0n :))

General Chess Discussion - 1. A3, ... a Good opening?? ':)#6

I think I have to make a chapter on that, perhaps a reversed Lasker-Simul will work against G6.

General Chess Discussion - 1. A3, ... a Good opening?? ':)#1

I have been studying 1. A3 and got shocked on how underappreciated it is. Basicly you play with colors reversed and due to the rarity of this move and odd looking nature people tend to fall for traps …
