
Search "user:Tempestuous"

53 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - How to get more students as a chess coach?#5

Surprised you didn't suggest streaming, or talk about pricing.

Community Blog Discussions - Are Online Chess Players Trapped Pigeons?#14

How do I avoid the trap? By not playing on

Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#30

@mvhk said in #27: > > I remember watching at the BBC the worldchampionship between Kasparov and Short in 1993. It was for hours quality see e.g. Yep, I remember watching this too - was one of the onl…

Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#25

The article doesn't discuss the pros and cons of using an eval bar and is more of a personal complaint that the author preferred Chess24 to's broadcasts. Personally I like them both, and thi…

Community Blog Discussions - 20 Best Chess Books for Intermediate Players#14

@Fjallgart said in #12: > I stopped reading after the first book advice. > > My System by Nimzowitch was a great book at that time. At that time is the key here. Today it's outdatet, it's often wrong …

Community Blog Discussions - 20 Best Chess Books for Advanced Players#8

Good article but I agree with the other posts. I'm probably somewhere around 2000 - 2100 in rapid on here but there's no way I'd consider myself an advanced player. I have Aagard's Calculation book bu…

Community Blog Discussions - Top 5 Things to Watch in Women's Chess in 2024#5

I agree, plenty of things to look forward to this year and it's already been very enjoyable to see Ju playing at Tata where she's so far performed very respectably. However, I can't help but think it'…

Community Blog Discussions - Announcing the Women in Chess Foundation#25

@dboing said in #24: > posting near same time... and new posts pop. up.. I think the answer from blog author is for you. There is a lot of background discussions, and news about this in lichess blog. …

Community Blog Discussions - Announcing the Women in Chess Foundation#23

@dboing said in #24: > From my understanding it would the the blog author in cooperation with lichess moderator. This is particular to post-blog forum. Ok, but why did they do it? I didn't say anythin…

Community Blog Discussions - Announcing the Women in Chess Foundation#23

Rather surprised to see one of my previous comments has been deleted - could whoever did it please explain?
