
Announcing the Women in Chess Foundation

@Tempestuous said in #23:
> Rather surprised to see one of my previous comments has been deleted - could whoever did it please explain?

From my understanding it would the the blog author in cooperation with lichess moderator. This is particular to post-blog forum.
@AlanBeguivin said in #10:
> Which harassment women "consistently face in the chess world"? Thanks.

Someone obviously living under a rock here...
@dboing said in #24:
> From my understanding it would the the blog author in cooperation with lichess moderator. This is particular to post-blog forum.

Ok, but why did they do it? I didn't say anything offensive or controversial. What's the point in having a comment section if you're just going to delete people's comments?
@Tempestuous said in #23:
posting near same time... and new posts pop. up.. I think the answer from blog author is for you. There is a lot of background discussions, and news about this in lichess blog. I would like to suggest that the question could have been taken as inflammatory or genuinely, not everyone read everything, and has been following the community news. I know I am not always updated. But concision may hide a lot.. I ramble a lot, to ensure I can talk about complex issues without people taking it the wrong (w.r.t. to my intent). Otherwise concision leaves lots of room.
In my case, I think the ramble may be a problem of clarity.. Damn if you do, damn if you don't.
@dboing said in #24:
> posting near same time... and new posts pop. up.. I think the answer from blog author is for you. There is a lot of background discussions, and news about this in lichess blog. I would like to suggest that the question could have been taken as inflammatory or genuinely, not everyone read everything, and has been following the community news. I know I am not always updated. But concision may hide a lot.. I ramble a lot, to ensure I can talk about complex issues without people taking it the wrong (w.r.t. to my intent). Otherwise concision leaves lots of room.
> In my case, I think the ramble may be a problem of clarity.. Damn if you do, damn if you don't.

What are you talking about? The blog author hasn't posted any responses.
@Tempestuous said in #25:
> What are you talking about? That was a post from someone entirely different that the author responded to.

My bad. I did not look at the usernames. Sorry. Well my post was a comment of that post and reply to post.

I did delete my other more useful post. I thought it was moot.. ascii hell.. I prefer pictures, that is why I once learned to touch type. to get over the ascii hell quicker... ok sorry.. let me know.. also when quoting, sometimes no need to show me my own rambling.. although with self deletes.. IDK. never mind me..

in short (kidding, can't): either contact the person your post was quoting if any, or the blog author, or a general feedback forum category about how to appeal to having own comment deleted from a post-blog discussion forum, or finally (or first) perhaps if lichess does not have a contact them link in lobby (don't think so, but there is appeal for all sorts of social things gone moderated (forum behavior, chat behavior, chess game meta behavior).

I should not put my fingers where my error rate in reading ascii, makes me part of the dynamics of the cogs.. I hope I could help.
Three of my comments against scandalizing anyone without proof has been deleted. So opposing views are not allowed but all comments supporting this post have been left untouched.

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