
Search "user:Tanjay"

15 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Win streak counts games against engine...?#1

So i was just messing around against stockfish (level 1 just to try out what it looks like) and i saw afterwards that my best win streak as been updated and include my game against the engine... Isn't…

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone have any tips to get 2000 everything?#6

Hey! As a player who is barely 2000 everywhere myself i would say that what helped me most was to always focus on 1 at a time. I reached 2000 blitz first i think and i couldn't believe it xD i even we…

General Chess Discussion - Players not accepting rematches#14

I actually agree with the post. I mean... i would like to dance with all the girls but sometime i play against opponents with particular openings that i would love to have a chance to play against aga…

Lichess Feedback - Guess the evaluation game!#6

I would really like a moderator opinion on this but the post just keeps going down in the forum so im trying to tag one now. @lichess

Lichess Feedback - Guess the evaluation game!#3

Is there a way to make sur lichess devs see this? It is already far down into the forum posts :(

Lichess Feedback - Guess the evaluation game!#1

Hello, i though of a game that could be fun to play. Basically, lichess would show you a game and you would need to guess what the computer evaluation is. I think it would be really nice because somet…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#18

Sorry i guess i didn't think that saying something like "why do you run away like a coward?" was on par with saying "i fuck your mom every night" or "you are a piece of trash" (sorry for the language …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#16

That is precisely why i posted on this forum, i read that section and i don't recall having ever did anything against what it says :(

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#14

I don't think this is funny either, i have spent many years on this website and i don't want my account to go to waste, i invested many many many hours of study and playing and i would like to make su…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#10

Would be nice to have an automated system to alert you when you have been reported and what message that was? Like reporting is a button, just add another function to that button no?
