
Search "user:RawrOnion"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What's the best way to get good at chess?#20

@sakthisubha said in #18: > I totally understand this Glad if I could be of help. :-)

General Chess Discussion - What's the best way to get good at chess?#15

Do's: 1.Get a beginner's book on basics. 2.Always look for ALL possible checks and captures. 3.Learn the basic checkmate patterns. 4.Learn tactical motifs. 5. Watch youtube videos on strategic ideas D…

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General Chess Discussion - What is the most important facet of the movement of a piece?#20

No no it's fine you guys have your discussion, I'm just a bit frustrated that I can't discuss a topic if no one understands what I'm actually saying. Previous discussion on a related but different top…

General Chess Discussion - What is the most important facet of the movement of a piece?#16

I give up, barely anyone actually has a clue what I am saying on here. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT PIECE VALUE GUYS!!! Goshdangit. I mean sure it's related but its not what I am saying at all.

General Chess Discussion - What is the most important facet of the movement of a piece?#1

In what order of importance would you choose to describe the effects of the movement of a piece? It's all very well describing a static board, but order of description is quite an interesting question…

General Chess Discussion - What is the best way to calm down in a losing streak?#21

I find when I stop playing my losing stream magically also stops. ;P In all seriousness though if you are no longer thinking about your move and just playing by instinct it is time to stop.

General Chess Discussion - Blitz is All About Nerves#3

It takes me two seconds to not think and play a move...

General Chess Discussion - ! Piece "counting" habits#10

@Sholmes49 , Nice! Keep refining your thoughts I guess? But that is definitely the general gist of what most teach, as we improve we understand more, and will hopefully see the flaws in our previous w…

General Chess Discussion - ! Piece "counting" habits#6

Thanks @Alientcp for your thoughts. I want to point out that speaking and walking are learned and become "instinctive" habits, at least according to my way of speaking. So let me tell a story. There w…
