
Search "user:Raptor-5"

54 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Do I have the right to resign?#16

@Shiroyasha47 said in #1: > I want to know a definite answer to this question like either a 'yes' or 'no'. I don't want unnecessary knowledge of etiquettes like it is bad to resign to after first move…

Community Blog Discussions - Gukesh, Zhongyi Tan are Officially the World Championship Challengers#12

Well, I'm not surprised to hear some people weren't expecting Gukesh to come out on top in the end. On that note, as you might've already seen this, here's a YouTube video where Magnus discusses his t…

General Chess Discussion - Why does people play the bowdler?#6

@OctoPinky said in #2: > Would these people play Englund or Wing Gambit against another 2000? It wouldn't hurt to do so, actually.

General Chess Discussion - Aborting a rated game should be a loss?#7

@llo00oll said in #1: > In a rated game, if someone challenges you and then aborts before the first move, shouldn't that be a loss for them and a win for you? IRL if you are playing someone in a tourn…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you do when you start your vacation?#8

@Professor74 > What do you do when you start your vacation? Well, my plans for vacation aren't fixed as they aren't particularly a consistent pattern, so to speak. Although, I can tell you that I usua…

General Chess Discussion - Suggestion to ban the ultrabullet#34

@TigerLilov I understand your concerns, but, with all due respect, I don't believe it's rational of you to suggest banning the ultra-bullet format as a considerable number of players take pleasure in …

Off-Topic Discussion - Is there a limit to how nice you should be#3

Well, one can be "too nice" in terms of sacrificing one's own well-being to please others. This can be good & otherwise, as it depends on the situation one finds oneself in, so to speak. And i believe…

General Chess Discussion - The abysmal cheat detection just keeps getting worse.#15

On the subject of spotting out people who use engines online, I find it rather impossible to prove in some cases. Emphasis on "some cases". Whenever people suspect others, they probably fail to realiz…

Off-Topic Discussion - Should compassion and empathy be taught at school ?#10

@LordSupremeChess said in #8: > I think there's a reason your username is TeenageDimwit... Easy now, buddy. That's kinda harsh, despite the fact that he decided to name himself that (without regret) A…

Off-Topic Discussion - Calm Down#3

Well, I do believe phrases along the lines of "Everything's gonna be fine" can help put an upset person at ease. Although, i'm sure it depends on whom one is talking to, considering how they'll assimi…
