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Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate: Chess.com's Broadcasting Style#12 @GnocchiPup said in #11: > - this is my starting point. > > As mentioned by the others, Dojo guys don't do eval bars. Main argument is that having eval bars misrepresents the difficulty chess players … | ParallelPringles |
Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate: Chess.com's Broadcasting Style#6 ChessDojo are probably one of the main pushers of the anti-eval bar approach. https://www.google.com/search?q=chessdodjo+eval+bar+debate&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB944GB944&oq=chessdodjo+eval+bar+debate&gs_lc… | ParallelPringles |
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