
Search "user:Jamie_K"

36 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Would you rather get away with lying every time or always be able to detect a lie?#2

Would you rather flip a coin for 1 million or accept 50000?

Off-Topic Discussion - Would you rather get away with lying every time or always be able to detect a lie?#1

Get away :)

General Chess Discussion - Anyone here use e4 and d4 a lot?#3

No sorry my main openings are a3 and h4

General Chess Discussion - French Winawer: Very Strange Knight Sac Novelty#2

Most people generally prefer 5. Ne7 line maybe this could revive the 5. cxd5 line for black, who knows?

General Chess Discussion - French Winawer: Very Strange Knight Sac Novelty#1

Just found this horrible engine move exploring the opening. Apparently it's never been played by any master or lichess player. Black seems to retain some sort of an advantage after it. Doubt anybody w…

Off-Topic Discussion - Would it be possible for us to "download" knowledge into our brains in the future?#51

No we will never understand the brain in that much depth :)

Game analysis - Beating the Najdorf variation of the sicilian defence.#2

Nice one! f6 is rarely a good move to play, especially when black's king is still in the centre. :)

Game analysis - Insane Combination Anand vs Kramnik#3

These closed positions with minor pieces and very advanced pawns can be so viciously complicated :)

Lichess Feedback - [Feature Request] Bluff Puzzles in Tactics Trainer#11

@Toadofsky Actually that blunder bomb is really nice!

Lichess Feedback - [Feature Request] Bluff Puzzles in Tactics Trainer#9

@Morozov Maybe just have a button next to “show solution” like “No tactic”
