
Insane Combination Anand vs Kramnik

These closed positions with minor pieces and very advanced pawns can be so viciously complicated :)
This puzzle was basically me trying every legal move to find the correct move because simply put, I'm just that terrible in chess. But it's still a good puzzle for engines that are stronger than stockfish.
This is the difference between Anand and Kraminik, and me, who is half skilled at getting my king to the other side of the board. 👍
Deep analysis says the best initial move is `Bg8 keeping the game even at 0.0. But when Bg6 is played the engine acknowledges white is better by +0.7. It's like the engine doesn't even consider Bg6 and then says "oh yeah, that's better".
also engine can't find 8. move
white is winning at this position white reach troitsky line but black can hold ıf play good moves (50 move rule)

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