
Search "user:GraniteStater"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Aborting games (for the a^n th time)#9

Thanks for the input, guys. Post 6, reason 2 - sorry, nope. Change your range settings. The UI is set up to facilitate the user's preferences. Use it, I say. Yes, sometimes we have to dump out, I have…

General Chess Discussion - Aborting games (for the a^n th time)#1

One may set the rating range against whom desires to play. IMHO, it is rude to set up a game (or worse, join it) and then abort right out. You don't wanna play weakies, change your settings!!!!!!!

General Chess Discussion - Aborting Games#1

I understand why there is an Abort button, for more than one reason. I work in IT as a tech writer, I write the manuals. So let me say this: Dear Lichess World, To the best of my knowledge, there are …

General Chess Discussion - Interruptions#5

Not Othello again.

General Chess Discussion - Interruptions#1

I have noticed that another person (in this case, my beloved wife) will interfere with my ability to play good chess, even with the most perfunctory and innocuous, yes, even necessary inquiries. How d…
