
Search "user:Dyedsale"

33 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Group chat#1

Is there a way to create a group chat in Lichess? for example can I just do it in messages or do I have to create a team?

General Chess Discussion - Any good way to learn openings?#6

If you want to learn openings, what I suggest is to first look at a couple different openings/lines (not deep just to get a sense of what they're like) and then decide on whether or not you like the p…

General Chess Discussion - Which one do you think is a better practice?#5

I would say playing against stronger players will improve your play more but that being said and like others have mentioned in this thread losing a lot will be the sacrifice you'd have to make. But yo…

General Chess Discussion - Guess The Move Software#6

Are you talking about the puzzle in studies if so you make a new chapter and select interactive lesson

Off-Topic Discussion - Forum posts#4

I actually would like to now and maybe the person who has gets a special icon or something

Game analysis - Stockfish doesn't know anything.#5

I'm not sure what you mean by imagination, do you mean ideas or novelties. But your statement stock fish doesn't know anything, doesn't really sound right. sure some of the time computers are wrong bu…

General Chess Discussion - Favorite variation against the french#1

The french defence is one of the most popular openings for black and is played at the lowest and highest levels, that being said what is everyone's favourite variation against it? My personal is the L…

General Chess Discussion - is the Italian the best opening?#8

Oh yeah one more thing if your studying a line in an opening and using the computer, don't just use the computers moves every single time, first of all you most likely won't understand the reasoning b…

General Chess Discussion - is the Italian the best opening?#7

Honestly there is no best opening like others have said in this chat, though there are some better than others . I wouldn't suggest learning an opening because you've heard its good, but instead check…

Off-Topic Discussion - Atlas#12

