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44 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should grant takeback in rated play?#5

one who asks for takebacks doesn't understand a crucial element in chess: the fear that one mistake can cost the game.

Lichess Feedback - Studies: how to enter results?#3

#2: Thanks a lot!

Lichess Feedback - Studies: how to enter results?#1

Hi, I enter offline games in a study, but I see no option to enter a game result. Should I first enter the game in for example Scid, export/import the pgn, or is there another way to enter results? Th…

General Chess Discussion - Pawn play: when to wreck your structure?#3

#2: True. These generalities prevent me from weakening my own structure, but sometimes it is best to break these 'rules'. I seem to have trouble in complex middlegame positions judging when to, and am…

General Chess Discussion - Pawn play: when to wreck your structure?#1

Hi, I am trying to fix a problem I seem to have: I don't like to wreck my pawn structure when the gains are not concrete. For example: - when I won't win wood, but may prevent some counterplay. - Or w…

Game analysis - Would really appreciate some insights on this game.#8

What @tpr and @MrPushwood said + with 10. f5 e5, the d6-pawn became backwards. A normal plan would be to occupy the d5-square with a piece. => Bishop to c4/b3, trade the dark bishop for the f6-knight,…

Game analysis - Check out this Ruy Lopez#5

Hi After Black castled queenside on move 11, you played Ng3. Although this (Nb1-d2-f1-g3) is a standard knight maneuver in the Spanish, that is - I believe - if Black castles kingside. In same-side ca…

General Chess Discussion - Is Chess a Sport#25

Google 'Why is chess a sport' and the result was: The International Olympic Committee considers chess to be a sport. Chess requires physical exertion as mental exertion manifests itself physically. ..…

Game analysis - Help with the Greek gift.#5

when the king goes to g6, you follow up with Qg4 instead of 11.Qd3 and after 11.Qg4 f5 12.Qg3, black will get mated or lose his queen: the discovered check when you move the knight will win: you don't…

Game analysis - Another loser #3

Yeah, timewasters are annoying, but it is within the rules of the game. If you change the time-rules like you propose, you make those rules too difficult to explain. Maybe try to think of it like this…
