
Search "user:ANNONYMOU5"

81 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - German democratic republic#1

What do you think of the gdr? The Stasi? A hole in it the western part of the capital? It's beautiful walls? It's quick to get cars? It'd be interesting to see how people see the gdr.

Off-Topic Discussion - translate thanks into czech#9

@alexObby21 said in #1: > pls send ur results in chat Dziękujić? Is it correct? From dziękujemy (my) and dziękuję (ja)? I didn't use any Google translate, so might be wrong. Edit: OK, I just Googled i…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of China?#60

@twighead said in #7: > Evil government - cool history pre 1940s Cool history bec. They were suppressed, enslaved and murdered back then, so that a chap millions of miles away could live of their prof…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of China?#56

@Ricky-Yang Doesn't seem the same Original : 中华人民共和国是奴隶最大的恶梦,只讲帮助我们提高生活质量的祖国做的算与坏事的话,他们听不懂中国人的努力,听不懂是他们把中国人民当作奴隶是错的,听不懂是他们国家总统发射了火箭,是他们国家用兵射死我们的人们。 Englisch: The People's Republic of China is the bigg…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think of China?#54

<中华人民共和国> 是奴隶最大的恶梦,只讲 <帮助我们提高生活质量的祖国> 做的 <算与坏事> 的话,他们听不懂 <中国人的努力> ,听不懂 <是他们把中国人民当作奴隶> 是错的,听不懂是他们国家总统发射了火箭,是他们国家用兵射死我们的人们。 <> are nouns, and names, right? I'm not really good at chinese Who is 他们?

Off-Topic Discussion - Has anyone noticed a lower quality of Baidu?#1

It just bugs all the time, and also it suddenly turned Chinese.

Off-Topic Discussion - Who is responsible for climate change?#1

Please don't turn offend each other. Otherwise I may be held responsible for the second don't of the 'respect other players' in the etiquette. My answer :co2. But who is responsible for co2?

Off-Topic Discussion - How do we know pi has no end?#16

Oh my goodness, my head hurts. @Thalassokrator ,where did you learn mathematics? What is pie even for? I only know so how to calculate stuff using it, but never really knew how to calculate pie or wha…

Off-Topic Discussion - How do we know pi has no end?#1

We know pi is about 3big, and will never end, meaning no matter how precise we try to define this using numbers only, it will never be the same as pi. But how do we know that? How and why do professor…

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you remember this Hindenburger?#2

Somewhere before ww2 (I think in the twenties) in America. I question which Paul von Hindenburg named this balloon. It got famous cuz it was the first time such an event was filmed