
What do you think of China?

@RangerGeek50 said in #50:
> My standpoint is asking them to explain their words as their words are somewhat nonsense to me. I can't reply to them if what they're speaking is gibberish can I?
I agree. As a Chinese, his Chinese is even hard to be understood by me. LOL
@RangerGeek50 said in #50:
> My standpoint is asking them to explain their words as their words are somewhat nonsense to me. I can't reply to them if what they're speaking is gibberish can I?
fyi they're not speaking gibberish. they're speaking chinese. as a chinese person, i feel a bit mocked (please correct me if i used the wrong word, i'm not that familiar with complicated english words).
@caitlynn122010 said in #52:
> fyi they're not speaking gibberish. they're speaking chinese. as a chinese person, i feel a bit mocked (please correct me if i used the wrong word, i'm not that familiar with complicated english words).
I know that they are speaking chinese. I can read okay? But what they're saying doesn't make any sense. Or could you please tell me what they mean?
<中华人民共和国> 是奴隶最大的恶梦,只讲 <帮助我们提高生活质量的祖国> 做的 <算与坏事> 的话,他们听不懂 <中国人的努力> ,听不懂 <是他们把中国人民当作奴隶> 是错的,听不懂是他们国家总统发射了火箭,是他们国家用兵射死我们的人们。

<> are nouns, and names, right? I'm not really good at chinese
Who is 他们?
@ANNONYMOU5 said in #54:
> <中华人民共和国> 是奴隶最大的恶梦,只讲 <帮助我们提高生活质量的祖国> 做的 <算与坏事> 的话,他们听不懂 <中国人的努力> ,听不懂 <是他们把中国人民当作奴隶> 是错的,听不懂是他们国家总统发射了火箭,是他们国家用兵射死我们的人们。
> <> are nouns, and names, right? I'm not really good at chinese
> Who is 他们?
I don't know too. It's Just Google translation. There are so many grammar mistakes in it.
Doesn't seem the same

Original :

The People's Republic of China is the biggest nightmare for slaves. They only talk about the good and bad things done by the motherland to help us improve the quality of life. They don't understand the efforts of the Chinese people, and they don't understand that it is wrong for them to treat the Chinese people as slaves. I don't understand that the president of their country fired the rocket, and it was their country who shot our people with soldiers.

@ANNONYMOU5 said in #56:
> @Ricky-Yang
> Doesn't seem the same
> Original :
> 中华人民共和国是奴隶最大的恶梦,只讲帮助我们提高生活质量的祖国做的算与坏事的话,他们听不懂中国人的努力,听不懂是他们把中国人民当作奴隶是错的,听不懂是他们国家总统发射了火箭,是他们国家用兵射死我们的人们。
> Englisch:
> The People's Republic of China is the biggest nightmare for slaves. They only talk about the good and bad things done by the motherland to help us improve the quality of life. They don't understand the efforts of the Chinese people, and they don't understand that it is wrong for them to treat the Chinese people as slaves. I don't understand that the president of their country fired the rocket, and it was their country who shot our people with soldiers.
> Chinese:
> 中華人民共和國是奴隸最大的噩夢。他們只談論祖國為幫助我們提高生活質量所做的好事和壞事。他們不了解中國人的努力,他們不明白把中國人當奴隸對待是不對的。我不明白他們國家的總統發射了火箭,是他們的國家用士兵向我們的人民開槍。
That is about right. But who is the "us"? What is the rocket and soldier thing?
Hi guys! And China has many places to learn chess and never invades another country! It has over 5000 years of history! Great!

P.S. And do you guys play Classical?
> A country whose name starts with C
> a country which tries to take hold in some parts of India
> a country with a single party
> a country with a taliban , russian supporter
> a country where covid was born
> a country which took hold of Tibet

All wrong!!!

1. First ZhongGuo Starts with Z!
3. Especially did you learned that China has 56 groups of people?
5. Covid was not born in China, there's a suspect that America made it and can't control it so it spread...
@twighead said in #7:
> Evil government - cool history pre 1940s
Cool history bec. They were suppressed, enslaved and murdered back then, so that a chap millions of miles away could live of their profits.

> A country whose name starts with C
中国starts with z
> a country which tries to take hold in some parts of India
A country which tries to defend it's parts India claims
> a country with a single party
Yes, either it is a parliament with different parties, or it is a PartY with many different people, the result is the same.
> a country with a taliban , russian supporter
What!? The Taliban are the lawful leaders of afgh... Ugh, I'll ask absicht for that text. What is your definition of Russian supporter?
> a country where covid was born
Covid could have happened everywhere. Only because some bats successfully reached China, it does not mean China is responsible. China has taken more actions against covid, and frankly, China cares more about the citizen's security.
> a country which took hold of Tibet
A country which was stripped away of their land by Europeans. Just the way Japanese manschuko was.

@BKrivi09 said in #8:
> Dumb fuc***g govt dumb idiot people praising the govt
... What shall I say... Do you praise your gov?

@WildTreeNymph said in #58:
> Hi guys! And China has many places to learn chess and never invades another country! It has over 5000 years of history! Great!
Yes, we should be happy China doesnt use any meaningful action to get the American troops out of taipei.
> P.S. And do you guys play Classical?

@RangerGeek50 said in #57:
> That is about right. But who is the "us"? What is the rocket and soldier thing?
I'll ask him. Or maybe ask him yourself

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