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24572 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#5

I may have just misinterpreted the clues... FYI ... I had posted my "cloned copy" and assigned it a topic (call it "MyCC") which my original also had as a topic (briefly before I eventually removed it…

Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#4

>the cloned copy just has the "Cloned form xxxx" statement in it and nothing else... >one of my team made a comment in the chat of the cloned copy Then I don't quite follow... In any case, messages po…

Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#3

Thanks for response... Both the original and the copy are set to "Invite Only" and the chat is set to "Members"... The "chat" message shows up in my original copy only, the cloned copy just has the "C…

Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#2

They probably posted the same message in both. It's probably a good idea to set the original study as private/invite only as well, if you only wished to share a clone.

Lichess Feedback - Question regarding "cloned studies" and a somewhat related one about the "chat room"#1

My first post here, so if this is in the wrong area, be kind and let me know which forum to post it in. My question has to do with a study that I cloned and then I posted the cloned copy (set to "Invi…

Lichess Feedback - Stop your blocked users from interacting with your topics or posts.#1

Issue: Blocking a user on vast majority of other forums results in the blocked party's inability to see and/or interact with that user's topics, posts, profile, etc. Currently, the only thing that thi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is Wikipedia begging for Money so much..?#14

Use Perplexity.AI not always correct but define question with a fact As it looks in that very Internet archive... and provide you source url's. up to date. or current data. For coding there is simplic…

Lichess Feedback - unresponsive ui#8

@nutty_wombat said in #4: > Please review and cease your harassing immediately, lest *you* get chat banned. Thanks, I did, but I fail to see how anything I did is agai…

Lichess Feedback - unresponsive ui#4

@AsDaGo said in #3: > you will likely be chat banned Please review and cease your harassing immediately, lest *you* get chat banned.

Lichess Feedback - unresponsive ui#3

@nutty_wombat said in #2: > @asdago Hi, if you have anything constructive to add, please do. Otherwise, cease trolling and harassing, thanks. This is just a duplicate of your other thread which was cl…
